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Installing GeoEvent Server

This ArcGIS 10.7 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

The steps below will guide you through the installation process for ArcGIS GeoEvent Server.

Installation prerequisites include the following:

  1. If you are using the installation media, the content is already located in <media_drive>:/GeoEvent/, therefore you can skip this step and proceed to step 2 below.

    If you downloaded GeoEvent Server package *.tar.gz file, unpack the file:

    For example: $ tar -zxvf ArcGIS_GeoEvent_*.tar.gz
  2. (Optional) If you are going to use the GeoEvent Simulator, and since it only runs on Windows, you will need to copy the GeoEventSimulator.exe file to a Windows machine. The file is located in one of the following locations:
    • If you are using the installation media: <media_drive>:/GeoEvent/Support/.
    • If you downloaded the English package file: ./ArcGISGeoEvent/Support/.
    • If you downloaded a non-English package file: ./ArcGISGeoEvent_<LANGUAGE>/Support/
  3. Run to install GeoEvent Server:
    $ ./ArcGISGeoEvent/
    For non-English setups: $ ./ArcGISGeoEvent_<LANGUAGE>/
  4. License GeoEvent Server by running the ArcGIS Server Software Authorization Tool:
    $ <arcgis-server-install-location>/tools/authorizeSoftware
    For example: $ ~/arcgis/server/tools/authorizeSoftware
  5. Configure GeoEvent Server to be started with the operating system by following the appropriate instructions below:

    When sudo is referenced, you can instead log in as root to run the command:

    $ sudo su root
    $ su root
    $ su
    • RHEL 7.x and above:
    1. Install the Linux Daemon:
      $ sudo cp <arcgis-server-install-location>/GeoEvent/gateway/etc/service/geoeventGateway.service /etc/systemd/system 
      For example: $ sudo cp ~/arcgis/server/GeoEvent/gateway/etc/service/geoeventGateway.service /etc/systemd/system
      $ sudo cp <arcgis-server-install-location>/GeoEvent/etc/service/geoevent.service /etc/systemd/system 
      For example: $ sudo cp ~/arcgis/server/GeoEvent/etc/service/geoevent.service /etc/systemd/system
    2. Automatically start the GeoEvent Server and Gateway daemons when the machine is rebooted:
      $ sudo systemctl enable geoeventGateway.service
      $ sudo systemctl enable geoevent.service
    3. Start the GeoEvent Server and Gateway daemons:
      $ sudo systemctl start geoeventGateway.service
      $ sudo systemctl start geoevent.service
    4. (Optional) Stop the GeoEvent Server and Gateway daemons:
      $ sudo systemctl stop geoeventGateway.service
      $ sudo systemctl stop geoevent.service
    5. (Optional) Check the GeoEvent Server and Gateway daemons status:
      $ systemctl status geoeventGateway.service
      $ systemctl status geoevent.service
    • RHEL 6.x:
    1. Install the Linux Daemon:
      $ cd <arcgis-server-install-location>/GeoEvent/bin
      For example: $ cd ~/arcgis/server/GeoEvent/bin
      $ sudo ln -s <arcgis-server-install-location>/GeoEvent/gateway/bin/ArcGISGeoEventGateway-service /etc/init.d/
      For example: $ sudo ln -s ~/arcgis/server/GeoEvent/gateway/bin/ArcGISGeoEventGateway-service /etc/init.d/
      $ sudo ln -s <arcgis-server-install-location>/GeoEvent/bin/ArcGISGeoEvent-service /etc/init.d/
      For example: $ sudo ln -s ~/arcgis/server/GeoEvent/bin/ArcGISGeoEvent-service /etc/init.d/
      $ sudo chkconfig --add ArcGISGeoEventGateway-service
      $ sudo chkconfig --add ArcGISGeoEvent-service
    2. Automatically start the GeoEvent Server and Gateway daemons when the machine is rebooted:
      $ sudo chkconfig ArcGISGeoEventGateway-service on
      $ sudo chkconfig ArcGISGeoEvent-service on
    3. Start the GeoEvent Server and Gateway daemons:
      $ service ArcGISGeoEventGateway-service start
      $ service ArcGISGeoEvent-service start
    4. (Optional) Stop the GeoEvent Server and Gateway daemons:
      $ service ArcGISGeoEventGateway-service stop
      $ service ArcGISGeoEvent-service stop
    5. (Optional) Check the GeoEvent Server and Gateway daemons status:
      $ service ArcGISGeoEventGateway-service status
      $ service ArcGISGeoEvent-service status
    • SUSE
    1. Install the Linux Daemon:
      $ cd <arcgis-server-install-location>/GeoEvent/bin
      For example: $ cd ~/arcgis/server/GeoEvent/bin
      Switch to root user:
      $ su
      $ ln -s <arcgis-server-install-location>/GeoEvent/gateway/bin/ArcGISGeoEventGateway-service /etc/init.d/
      For example: $ ln -s ~/arcgis/server/GeoEvent/gateway/bin/ArcGISGeoEvent-service /etc/init.d/
      $ ln -s <arcgis-server-install-location>/GeoEvent/bin/ArcGISGeoEvent-service /etc/init.d/
      For example: $ ln -s ~/arcgis/server/GeoEvent/bin/ArcGISGeoEvent-service /etc/init.d/
      $ insserv ArcGISGeoEventGateway-service
      $ chkconfig ArcGISGeoEventGateway-service
      $ insserv ArcGISGeoEvent-service
      $ chkconfig ArcGISGeoEvent-service
    2. Automatically start the GeoEvent Server and Gateway daemons when the machine is rebooted:
      Still as root user:
      $ chkconfig ArcGISGeoEventGateway-service on
      End the root user session
      Still as root user:
      $ chkconfig ArcGISGeoEvent-service on
      End the root user session
    3. Start the GeoEvent Server and Gateway daemons:
      $ /etc/init.d/ArcGISGeoEventGateway-service start
      $ /etc/init.d/ArcGISGeoEvent-service start
    4. (Optional) Stop the GeoEvent Server and Gateway daemons:
      $ /etc/init.d/ArcGISGeoEventGateway-service stop
      $ /etc/init.d/ArcGISGeoEvent-service stop
    5. (Optional) Check the GeoEvent Server and Gateway daemons status:
      $ /etc/init.d/ArcGISGeoEventGateway-service status
      $ /etc/init.d/ArcGISGeoEvent-service status
    • Ubuntu Server 16.04.x LTS and above:
    1. Install the Linux Daemon:
      $ sudo cp <arcgis-server-install-location>/GeoEvent/gateway/etc/service/geoeventGateway.service /etc/systemd/system 
      For example: $ sudo cp ~/arcgis/server/GeoEvent/gateway/etc/service/geoeventGateway.service /etc/systemd/system
      $ sudo cp <arcgis-server-install-location>/GeoEvent/etc/service/geoevent.service /etc/systemd/system 
      For example: $ sudo cp ~/arcgis/server/GeoEvent/etc/service/geoevent.service /etc/systemd/system
    2. Automatically start the GeoEvent Server and Gateway daemons when the machine is rebooted:
      $ sudo systemctl enable geoeventGateway.service
      $ sudo systemctl enable geoevent.service
    3. Start the GeoEvent Server and Gateway daemons:
      $ sudo systemctl start geoeventGateway.service
      $ sudo systemctl start geoevent.service
    4. (Optional) Stop the GeoEvent Server and Gateway daemons:
      $ sudo systemctl stop geoeventGateway.service
      $ sudo systemctl stop geoevent.service
    5. (Optional) Check the GeoEvent Server and Gateway daemons status:
      $ systemctl status geoeventGateway.service
      $ systemctl status geoevent.service
    • Ubuntu Server 12.04.x LTS:
    1. Install the Linux Daemon:
      $ cd <arcgis-server-install-location>/GeoEvent/bin
      For example: $ cd /arcgis/server/GeoEvent/bin
      $ sudo ln -s <arcgis-server-install-location>/GeoEvent/gateway/etc/service/ArcGISGeoEventGateway-service /etc/init.d/
      For example: $ sudo ln -s /arcgis/server/GeoEvent/gateway/etc/service/ArcGISGeoEventGateway-service /etc/init.d/
      $ sudo ln -s <arcgis-server-install-location>/GeoEvent/bin/ArcGISGeoEvent-service /etc/init.d/
      For example: $ sudo ln -s /arcgis/server/GeoEvent/bin/ArcGISGeoEvent-service /etc/init.d/
    2. Automatically start the GeoEvent Server and Gateway daemons when the machine is rebooted:
      $ sudo update-rc.d ArcGISGeoEventGateway-service defaults
      $ sudo update-rc.d ArcGISGeoEvent-service defaults
    3. Start the GeoEvent Server and Gateway daemons:
      $ service ArcGISGeoEventGateway-service start
      $ service ArcGISGeoEvent-service start
    4. (Optional) Stop the GeoEvent Server and Gateway daemons:
      $ service ArcGISGeoEventGateway-service stop
      $ service ArcGISGeoEvent-service stop
    5. (Optional) Check the GeoEvent Server and Gateway daemons status:
      $ service ArcGISGeoEventGateway-service status
      $ service ArcGISGeoEvent-service status

Proceed to Optional: Marking the self-signed GeoEvent Server certificate as trusted by Internet Explorer.