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What's new in ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9

This ArcGIS 10.9 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9 introduces new features for data management and administration, updates across applications, and enhanced functionality throughout the product. This page highlights some of the new features available at 10.9 and includes links to additional information for specific components and functionality.

For a list of issues that were fixed at 10.9, see the 10.9 Issues Addressed List.

It is recommended that you review the deprecation notice to determine if your hardware and software components are still compatible with version 10.9 and to see a list of functionality that has been deprecated.


If you are upgrading to 10.9, you must reauthorize your software. You can access your new authorization files in My Esri.

Functionality matrix

For a product overview of ArcGIS Enterprise, review the latest functionality matrix.

ArcGIS Enterprise on Kubernetes

ArcGIS Enterprise on Kubernetes is a cloud-native deployment option for ArcGIS Enterprise. It is available alongside Windows and Linux deployment options. It delivers ArcGIS Enterprise in a containerized architecture, running in either your organization's Kubernetes platform or your cloud provider's Kubernetes service.

See the ArcGIS Enterprise on Kubernetes help to learn more.

Shared editing in distributed collaborations

Organizations can now share data updates across collaboration participants by enabling two-way sharing. This allows participants to edit copied feature layers and synchronize changes from both the owner to the recipient and recipient to owner.

This feature is available for ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9 deployments and with ArcGIS Online.

Data management updates

The following are highlights of what's new for data management in ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9 portals:

  • The Join Features standard feature analysis tool has been updated to create results as a hosted view layer. This allows the resulting view to stay up to date as the source layer or layers are updated.
  • You can use Arcade expressions to calculate new field values for hosted feature layers.
  • Layer owners and administrators can add features to a hosted feature layer or overwrite existing features using the append option on hosted feature layer items.
  • If you enable editing on a hosted feature layer, you can further control edits by disabling editing on individual fields.

Learn about other changes and additions to data management functionality in ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9 portal.

Emails and authentication

The following are what's new for emails and authentication:

  • Administrators can now configure email settings in the ArcGIS Enterprise portal. In previous versions of ArcGIS Enterprise, these settings were available in the REST API only.
  • Email support has been expanded to allow you to reset passwords and disable multifactor authentication. You can also set email notifications for when disk space runs low on the machines where Portal for ArcGIS is installed and when members comment on items.
  • Multifactor authentication is available for built-in accounts (those not based on an external identity provider). With multifactor authentication enabled, users must provide a verification code to sign in to ArcGIS Enterprise.
  • Support for OpenID Connect is available as a new authentication protocol for external identity providers when signing in to ArcGIS Enterprise. This supplements the existing support for the SAML 2.0 authentication protocol.

Home page editor

Administrators can design and build a modern and responsive home page for their ArcGIS Enterprise organization using the new component-based home page editor. Configure a custom home page that establishes your brand and mission, provides helpful information about your organization, and showcases the maps, scenes, apps, and layers that are most important to your organization.

Administrative reports

Administrative reports are available that allow you to export inventories of items and members in your ArcGIS Enterprise organization. With these reports, you can answer questions such as the following:

  • How many web maps exist in our organization?
  • Who has not signed in to the organization in the last month?

ArcGIS Enterprise Sites updates

ArcGIS Enterprise Sites includes many enhancements at 10.9 including, but not limited to the following:

  • Branding your site's sign-in prompt with a theme and logo.
  • Support for drafts, which allow you to save ongoing work and share a preview of your site with others before putting changes into production.
  • More fine grained control over who can access content.

For more information, see What's new in ArcGIS Enterprise Sites.

Migrate services to the ArcGIS Pro service runtime

Support for GIS services published from ArcGIS Desktop is being phased out. ArcGIS Server 10.9.x is the last release cycle to support the ArcMap service runtime. After this, it will no longer be possible to publish or consume services from ArcMap (including ArcPy based in ArcMap) in ArcGIS Server sites. Services using the ArcMap service runtime will no longer be able to run if present during an upgrade to a later release of ArcGIS Server.

Therefore, it is recommended that you start now to transition all publishing workflows to ArcGIS Pro for new services and consider migrating all existing services to the ArcGIS Pro service runtime.

Learn more about upcoming changes and your options to migrate services

ArcGIS Enterprise portal

Many new features and enhancements are available for mapping, analytics, and sharing workflows. For a detailed list of new and updated apps, as well as features and enhancements, see What's new in the ArcGIS Enterprise portal.

ArcGIS Server

See What's new in ArcGIS Server.

ArcGIS Data Store

See What's new in ArcGIS Data Store.

ArcGIS Mission

See What's new in ArcGIS Mission.

ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server

See What's new in ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server.

ArcGIS GeoEvent Server

See What's new in ArcGIS GeoEvent Server.

ArcGIS Image Server

See What's new in ArcGIS Image Server.

ArcGIS Notebook Server

See What's new in ArcGIS Notebook Server.

ArcGIS Workflow Manager

See What's new in ArcGIS Workflow Manager.

ArcGIS Enterprise SDK

The ArcGIS Enterprise SDK includes new features and enhancements. For more information, review the documentation.


See what's new for developers in ArcGIS Server administration, Portal administration, ArcGIS Services Directory, and the ArcGIS Portal Directory.

ArcGIS API for Python

ArcGIS API for Python includes new features and enhancements. For more information, review the documentation.

System requirements

10.8.1 was the last ArcGIS Enterprise release to support Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6 and Ubuntu Server 16 LTS.

Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 and Edge Legacy web browsers are no longer supported with ArcGIS.

For additional details regarding individual ArcGIS Enterprise components, see System requirements topics.

ArcGIS Enterprise on Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure

See the following to learn more about new and improved functionality for ArcGIS Enterprise on these cloud platforms: