The Publish Client is used to publish metadata documents directly to Esri Geoportal Server. The Publish Client will examine the folder in ArcGIS Desktop's ArcCatalog that a user specifies, find the metadata documents in that folder, and publish those documents to the Geoportal Server that is indicated in the interface. It will transform metadata that has been upgraded to the ArcGIS format in ArcGIS Desktop 10.3.x and 10.5.1 to the default standard specified in the Customize>ArcCatalog Options>Metadata tab. Here, you should set the standard to which you want your metadata to be transformed before using the Publish Client. If the metadata has not been upgraded - that is, it is in a non-ArcGIS format - it will be published as-is to Geoportal Server. If the target Geoportal Server does not support that standard, the Publish Client will provide a message telling you so.
The Publish Client is backward compatible with previous Geoportal Server versions. This means that you can use a 10.5.1 Publish Client installed on ArcGIS Desktop 10.5.1 to publish to both version 1.2.4, version 1.2.5, or 1.2.6. It is important to make sure that your ArcGIS Desktop version and Publish Client version match, as a 10.3 Publish Client will not work on a version 10.5.1 ArcGIS Desktop environment, nor will a version 10.5.1 or higher Publish Client work on a 10.3 ArcGIS Desktop environment.
See the Geoportal Server Publish Client GitHub site to download the latest version of the Publish Client.
Installing the Publish Client
Install the Publish Client by running its setup file, or silently from the command line.
Installing by running the setup file
- Download the latest version of the Publish Client from the Geoportal Server Publish Client GitHub site.
- Run the setup.exe for the Publish Client.
The installer dialog box appears.
- Click Next on the Welcome screen.
- Accept the License Agreement and lick Next.
- Enter your information into the Username and Organization text boxes.
- Click Next.
- Choose the Destination Folder into which the Publish Client should install or accept the default.
- Choose the Destination Folder into which Publish Client log files should be written.
- Click Next.
- Click Install to begin the installation.
- Click Finish once the installation wizard completes.
Installing from the command line (silent installation)
- Copy the following string into a text editor, such as Notepad.
msiexec /i "[install_path_for_Publish_Client_msi]\Geoportal Publish Client.msi" /qn ALLUSERS=1 INSTALLDIR_FS="C:/Program Files/ESRI/Geoportal/Geoportal_Publish_Client/" LOGDIR="C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ESRI\GeoportalPublishClient"
- Replace the [install_path_for_Publish_Client_msi] with the location of the Publish Client msi file (that is, C:\Downloads\).
- Open a command prompt.
- Copy and paste the edited string into the command line, and click Enter.
If the Publish Client was not installed through the copy and paste, enter the string in manually, as sometimes hidden characters can be copied over which affects the command.
Adding the Publish Client to the ArcGIS Desktop interface
The Publish Client is used with the ArcCatalog component of ArcGIS Desktop.
- Start ArcCatalog.
- Click Customize > Customize Mode.
The Customize dialog box appears.
- Click the Commands tab.
- Scroll through the list of Commands and click Geoportal.
- Drag the Publish Client button
to a toolbar.
Using the Publish Client
After you have installed the Publish Client and added it to your ArcCatalog toolbar, it is ready to be used.
ArcCatalog automatically removes <!DOCTYPE> tags from metadata when a geoprocessing task is run upon the document. If your metadata document contains <!DOCTYPE> tag information, the tag will be removed after running the Publish Client, even if you comment out the tag.
- In the Catalog Tree window, highlight the folder, branch, or resource from which you want to publish metadata.
- Click the Publish Client button
The Esri Geoportal Server Publish Client dialog box appears.
- Enter information in the input fields as follows.
- Type the the URL to the Geoportal Server endpoint to which you want to publish in the Server Url: text box.
The URL should consist of your Geoportal Server name, port number (if applicable), and the Geoportal Server web application name. For example, http://myserver:8080/geoportal.
- Leave the default GPT_Publish_Metadata for the Metadata Service.
This is the Geoportal Server publish service used if it is a 9.3.x version with the MetadataServer component is deployed.
- Type the login of the user who has publishing permissions to the Geoportal Server in the UserName text box.
- Type the publisher's password in the Password text box.
- It is recommended that you check the Display Execution Summary check box to expand the Publish Client interface and display the results of the publish session in a Process Execution Summary dialog box.
- Type the the URL to the Geoportal Server endpoint to which you want to publish in the Server Url: text box.
- Click Publish.
The Publish Client traverses the resource you selected in the Catalog tree view, and attempts to publish any documents with file .xml to the Geoportal Server. The metadata will be validated against the rules defined by the metadata standards supported in the Geoportal Server.
When the Publish Client has finished, a message will be written to the Process Execution Summary window displaying the results of the publish session. Also, if you have enabled Publish Client logging, a popup box will appear confirming that log files were written. For more about turning on logging and interpreting the log file, see The publishMetadata.log file for the Publish Client.
- Verify that your records were published by login into the Geoportal Server as a publisher and clicking the Administration tab to see the newly published resources.
Resources published to a version 10 Geoportal Server or Geoportal Server server 1.2.x will have a Publication Method of Upload; when publishing to a version 9.3.x, the Publication Method will be Batch.
Remember that records will not show up in the Geoportal Server search results until the administrator approves them.