Details of the REST API
The Geoportal REST interface follows the design of the ArcGIS Server REST API. Through the REST API, it is possible to query the locally-hosted resources, and also resources hosted on remote repositories. These two scenarios are shown below. In these scenarios, requestParameter is a placeholder for a REST parameter. REST parameters are discussed later in this topic.
- To query the local geoportal catalog only, use the following url pattern: http://machineName/geoportal/rest/find/document?requestParameter
- To query remote repositories, use the following url pattern: http://machineName/geoportal/rest/distributed?rid=repositoryID&requestParameters. Here, the rid parameter is the identification for the repository being searched.
By using multiple rid parameters, you can search multiple repositories at the same time. Use the following url pattern: http://machineName/geoportal/rest/distributed?rid=repositoryID1&rid=repositoryID2&requestParameter
Here is an example: http://exampleserver/geoportal/rest/distributed?rid=local&rid=ArcGIS.COM&start=1&max=10&orderBy=relevance&searchText=water&f=atom
The table below lists the parameters that are available in the Geoportal REST API. For a full description of each parameter, refer to the com.esri.gpt.control.georss and in the Geoportal Javadoc. For requests that have more than one parameter, the parameters must be concatenated using the ampersand (&) symbol. Use the following url pattern: http://machineName/geoportal/rest/find/document?requestParameter1&requestParameter2&...
requestParameter | Function | Accepted Values |
bbox | Query by extent specified as two pairs of coordinates (west-south and east-north) | Comma-delimited string of integers between -180,180 and -90, 90. |
spatialRel | Query by spatial relationship. Used in conjunction with bbox parameter. | String value. One of esriSpatialRelWithin (default), esriSpatialRelOverlaps. |
searchText | Query by keyword | String value representing a keyword. |
contains | Keyword concatenation options. This parameter is obsolete with the Lucene syntax. | For an exact match use double quotes. For example, see the syntax for two terms, Hawaii and quads:
contentType | Query by content type | String value representing an ESRI content type. See Javadoc for complete list. |
dataCategory | Query by data category (ISO 19115 themes) | Comma-delimited list of strings. Keywords identified by the ISO 19115 specification. See JavaDoc for complete list. |
after, before | Query by date | Date string in the format yyyy-mm-dd. |
orderBy | Result sort options | String value. One of areaAscending, areaDescending, dateAscending, dateDescending (default), format, relevance, title. |
max | Specify max number of records to retrieve. | Integer. There is a limit of max=100 on unqualified queries. An 'unqualified query' is when there are no search parameters set. The limit on qualified queries is max=5000. Default: 10. |
geometryType | Defines how spatial data will be represented. | String value. One of esriGeometryPoint, esriGeometryPolygon (default), esriGeometryBox. |
f | the response format | String value. One of georss (default), atom, json, kml, html, htmlfragment, or csv (starting at version 1.2). |
style | CSS stylesheet for HTML results | String value representing a URL to a stylesheet. |
target | Behavior of links (open in same or new window). | String value. One of blank (default), parent, self, top. |
rid | Id associated with the repository. Multiple rid parameters are allowed for comparing results between different repositories | String value. |
rids | Comma Delimited rid. Can be used instead of the multiple ridparameters. | String values. |
maxSearchTimeMilliSec | Maximum amount of time allowed to retrieve results. | Integer. Default is 5000 milliseconds. |