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Create the INSPIRE Discovery Service with Geoportal Server

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ArcGIS for INSPIRE uses the Esri Geoportal Server Catalog to deliver INSPIRE Discovery Services. Geoportal Server Catalog is a free and open source metadata catalog that enables discovery and use of geospatial resources, including: datasets, coverages, and web services. It helps organizations manage and publish INSPIRE metadata for their geospatial resources and helps people discover and connect to those resources. Geoportal Server Catalog supports standards-based clearinghouse and metadata discovery applications, including INSPIRE.

Geoportal Server Catalog supports the latest INSPIREDiscovery Service requirements, including INSPIRE Metadata v2.0.1 and CSW 2.0.2.

Instructions for installing, upgrading, configuring, managing, and using Geoportal Server are available in the Esri Geoportal Server CatalogGitHub repository.