What's new in ArcGIS Mission

ArcGIS 11.3    |    |  

ArcGIS Mission is available in ArcGIS Enterprise. ArcGIS Mission is a geospatial communications and situational awareness app that provides managers, analysts, and responders with a comprehensive picture of an operating environment and helps the coordinate movement and communication among team members. ArcGIS Mission is comprised of three components: Manager, Responder, and Server.

The ArcGIS Mission Manager web app is where missions are built and organized. ArcGIS Mission Responder allows mission engagement through a mobile app. ArcGIS Mission Server is an ArcGIS Enterprise server that links Manager and Responder. For more information, see What is ArcGIS Mission.

ArcGIS Mission Manager

  • Analyst Note—Mission Owners and Mission Leads that are using Mission Analyst now have the ability to take personal notes about mission observations to include images and map screenshots. These notes can be referenced at any time for further analytic capabilities.
  • Location Services Support—newly introduced interface allowing non-responder users to be visible on the Mission Analyst map for a more holistic coordination of users during a mission.
  • Mission Health Check—A new Health Check tab has been added to administrator settings which allows administrators to perform mission administrative tasks and trouble shoot possible trouble areas to include web socket connections, data health check options, adjust time out options, and check mission server license expiration date.
  • Create Report Templates—Continuing to improve the reports workflow, this release users have the ability to create a template from a created report whenever it is deemed necessary.
  • UX/UI Improvements—Numerous updates have been made to the look and feel of Mission Manager to include an updated homepage, mission creation, and administrator and user experience.

ArcGIS Mission Responder

  • ArcGIS Mission Responder has been upgraded to the latest runtime (200.3) ArcGIS Maps for SDK. The upgraded application makes Responder more streamlined and will assure that future releases will support enhanced features and functionality.

ArcGIS Mission Server

  • Upgrade Mission Support—Mission administrators, after upgrading to the current version of Mission, will be able to upgrade past missions from 11.0, 11,1, and 11.2 to the current version. This allows organizations to continue to utilize missions created on earlier versions.
  • Mission Health Check—New diagnostic tools have been added to the Mission Manager which allow administrators and users to check health aspects of a mission server without needing to access the REST admin endpoint.