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What's new in ArcGIS Monitor

This ArcGIS 10.7 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

New at 10.7.1

The 10.7.1 release of ArcGIS Monitor includes minor enhancements to the software and the documentation; no major new functionality is included with this release.

New at 10.7

ArcGIS Monitor 10.7 includes new counters and enhancements to ArcGIS Monitor Administrator and the ArcGIS Monitor Server application.


The following are new counter metrics in ArcGIS Monitor:

  • Log-CRITICAL, Log-SEVERE, and Log-WARNING are new metrics for the ArcGIS counter that help administrators detect ArcGIS Server errors. When a new ArcGIS counter is added, alerts for Log-CRITICAL > 0, Log-SEVERE > 0, and Log-WARNING > 0 are automatically added. For more information, see Add an ArcGIS counter.
  • Log-SEVERE and Log-WARNING are new metrics for the Portal counter that help administrators detect Portal for ArcGIS errors. For more information, see Add a Portal counter.
  • DB Instance Class, Engine, and DB Status are new metrics for the Amazon counter and are available when the Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) is used. For more information, see Add an Amazon counter.
  • Reboot is a new metric for the System counter that detects when a machine is rebooting. The approximate time the reboot occurred is when the Reboot value is equal to 1 during a sample interval. For more information, see Add a System counter.
  • Busy Time (sec) is a new metric for the ArcGIS counter that measures the amount of time that a CPU was busy processing for a service. For more information, see Add an ArcGIS counter.

Monitor Administrator

The following new features are available in the ArcGIS Monitor Administrator application:

  • A command line option has been added that allows the ArcGIS Monitor Administrator application to be installed silently. For more information, see Install ArcGIS Monitor silently.
  • Alerts for ArcGIS counters can be configured as global alerts for a service type or discrete alerts for an individual service.
  • Additional default alerts, such as Disk % Idle for System counters and % Processor Time for Amazon counters with Relational Database Service (RDS) have been added.

Monitor Server application

The following new features are available in the Monitor Server application:

  • A command line option has been added that allows the Monitor Server application to be installed silently. For more information, see Install ArcGIS Monitor silently.
  • The home page has been updated to display the number of counters in your deployment, grouped by counter type.
  • The Root Cause Analysis Reports view identifies the source and the downstream impacts of alert conditions for each 10-minute interval. This feature reduces investigation dependencies by identifying the time period of an alert or failure along with related downstream alerts and failures.
  • An API for the Monitor Server application has been added to provide access to collection, alert, and availability data in JSON format. For more information, see ArcGIS Monitor API.
  • New reports for Portal and ArcGIS counters, including Log Severe, Log Warning, unused services, and Throughput (Tr/Sec) of services have been added.
  • New reports for the GeoEvent, License Manager, Usage, and Windows Events extensions have been added and are available after downloading and configuring the extensions from the ArcGIS Monitor gallery site.

In this topic
  1. New at 10.7.1
  2. New at 10.7