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View Portal reports

This ArcGIS 10.8 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

The ArcGIS Monitor Server application allows you to view reports for Portal counters in your collections.

  1. Follow the steps in Access the ArcGIS Monitor Server application.
  2. Click Reports on the main menu and click Portal.

    The Portal Reports view appears.

  3. Click the Set Time drop-down arrow and choose a time range.

    The Time Range fields are read-only and display the time range chosen in the Set Time drop-down list.

  4. Click the Collection drop-down arrow and choose a collection.
  5. Click the Reports drop-down arrow and choose a report.
  6. Click the ArcGIS Server drop-down arrow and choose a server.
  7. Click Execute.

    No records will be displayed in the report until there are warning or severe alert entries. It may take up to 40 minutes for values to appear in the report.

    The report contains the following items:

    • Time—The time stamp of the log entry
    • Code—The API code that was returned when the message occurred
    • Source—The API or application from where the message came
    • Machine—The host name or IP address from where the message came
    • User—The user name that was recorded in the log for the message, if available
    • Messages—The detailed message from the portal log