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Work with ArcGIS Notebook Server logs

This ArcGIS 10.7 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

ArcGIS Notebook Server records all events that occur in a site, and any errors associated with those events, using logs. These logs are available to site administrators.

Logs are an important tool for monitoring and troubleshooting problems with your ArcGIS Notebook Server site. Information provided by logs can help you identify errors and provide context on how to address problems and resolve errors. The logs also serve as a system of record for events that occur in your site.

For example, the following types of events are recorded in logs:

  • Installation and upgrade events, such as software authorization and site creation
  • The opening and closing of ArcGIS Notebooks
  • Clean-up tasks performed by the site
  • Site management events performed by administrators, such as adding or removing notebook runtimes, creating server directories, or configuring security settings.
  • Security events, such as users logging in to the site or the import and export of SSL certificates.

Some events are not recorded in the ArcGIS Notebook Server logs. This includes federating and unfederating the site with a portal. Events that occur within ArcGIS Notebooks - adding content, running cells, and so on - are not recorded. Neither are events that occur within your machine's Docker containers; to view container-specific logs, see View Docker container logs below.

Available log levels

Each log carries a logging level of detail, which can be one of the following, in order from the least detailed to most detailed:

  • Severe — Serious problems that require immediate attention.
  • Warning — Moderate problems that require attention.
  • Info — Common administrative messages of the Notebook Server site, including messages about service creation and startup.
  • Fine — Common messages from use of the server, like names of operation requests received.
  • Verbose — Messages providing more detail about how the server fulfills an operation.
  • Debug — Highly verbose messages designed for developers and support technicians who want to obtain a better understanding of the server's state when troubleshooting. Not recommended for use in production systems due to the amount of logs created.

In the ArcGIS Notebook Server Administrator Directory, you can specify the most detailed log level to be created. For example, if you set the level to Fine, your server site will log messages at the Severe, Warning, Info, and Fine levels of detail.

Access and query server logs

Use the ArcGIS Notebook Server Administrator Directory to query, view, configure, and delete server logs.

To access the logs, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Administrator Directory. The URL is formatted<webadaptorname>/admin.
  2. Click Logs > Query to query and review current logs. Use the filter controls on the page to help you narrow events by categories such as time period or logging level.
  3. Click Logs > Settings to manage log settings, such as the default logging level (as explained above), the duration for which logs are kept on disk, and the location to which logs are written.
  4. Click Clean Logs to delete all of your log files from the ArcGIS Notebook Server site.

View Docker container logs

You can view logs specific to your site's Docker containers using the Docker command line interface as follows.

  1. Log in to the Administrator Directory. The URL is formatted<webadaptorname>/admin.
  2. Navigate to System > Containers. Locate the container whose logs you want to view, and click on its ID.
  3. Open the JSON view of the container's info page by adding ?f=pjson to its URL, so that the URL format is<webadaptorname>/admin/system/containers/<container>?f=pjson.
  4. Locate the container's containerId and record its value.
  5. Open Command Prompt as a user with Docker privileges.
  6. Run the command docker logs <containerId> using the value you recorded. This will return the Docker logs specific to that container.