You can install and authorize ArcGIS Notebook Server using command line parameters, as opposed to using the installation wizard.
The installation mode that you choose will determine the default uninstallation mode. For example, if you choose to install silently from the command line, the uninstallation will default to uninstalling silently from the command line.
Before installing ArcGIS Notebook Server, review the system requirements.
Command line parameters are case sensitive. If you have trouble getting your installation to work, confirm the case matches each property as shown in the code examples below.
Prepare to install ArcGIS Notebook Server
Before proceeding with the installation, complete these steps.
- Sign in to My Esri and obtain the necessary files. You'll need the following:
- Your ArcGIS Notebook Server software download.
- Your authorization file.
- One or both Docker container images, depending on your license. These container images contain all of the components needed for ArcGIS Notebooks to run. To learn more, see Docker and ArcGIS Notebook Server.
- Verify that each machine on which you'll install ArcGIS Notebook Server meets the system requirements.
- Modify the firewall of each machine to allow communication on port 11443, which ArcGIS Notebook Server uses.
- Add your OS user account (the account that will install ArcGIS Notebook Server) to a Unix group named docker. This workflow is documented in the Docker website.
Installing ArcGIS Notebook Server with the root account is not supported.
Install ArcGIS Notebook Server silently
Follow these steps to install ArcGIS Notebook Server silently from the command line.
By default, ArcGIS Notebook Server will be installed at ${HOME}/arcgis/notebookserver.
- Open a command shell as the user who will run ArcGIS Notebook Server. Browse to the directory where you downloaded the ArcGIS Notebook Server tar.gz file from My Esri.
- Uncompress the tar.gz file with the following command:
tar -xvzf ArcGIS_Notebook_Server_Linux_<version>.tar.gz
- Browse to the directory where the file was uncompressed, then to <untar directory>/Documentation/EULA.pdf. Read the license agreement.
- From the directory, run the setup silently and authorize it using a .prvc file. The syntax is as follows:
The parameters of the command line tool are as follows:<untar directory>/Setup -m silent -l yes -a <full path to .prvc file>
Parameter Description -m; --mode MODE (Optional) The install mode: silent or GUI. The default is GUI.
-l; --license-agreement CHOICE Required for silent mode; either yes or no. Yes indicates that you have read and agreed to the Esri Master Agreement (E204, E300). You can review the agreement at any time.
-a; --authorization-file PATH_TO_FILE (Optional) The absolute file path to the authorization or provisioning file provided by Esri.
If this option is not used, you will need to authorize the software after installation, as detailed in the next section.
-d; --directory DIRECTORY (Optional) By default, ArcGIS Notebook Server is installed to your ${HOME} directory. DIRECTORY specifies a different installation directory.
The path /arcgis/notebookserver/ is appended to the installation directory.
The name of the installation directory should be lowercase. The samples and data bundled with the installation require the data path to be lowercase.
-v; --verbose (Optional) Run the installer in verbose mode.
-h; --help Displays the command line help and exits.
-e; --examples Displays usage examples of each option and exits.
- Modify your OS privileges to allow systemd to bootstrap and manage processes on ArcGIS Notebook Server:
- Within a terminal, switch to the root user.
- Copy <ArcGIS Notebook Server install directory>/framework/etc/scripts/agsnotebook.service unit file to /etc/systemd/system. Change the file permissions of this relocated file from 700 to 600.
- Still as the root user, run the following command:
# systemctl enable agsnotebook.service
- Restart the systemd service and check its status to verify it's properly configured:
# systemctl stop agsnotebook.service # systemctl start agsnotebook.service # systemctl status agsnotebook.service
- End the root user session.
- Reboot the operating system and verify that ArcGIS Notebook Server starts properly.
Authorize your software silently
If you did not authorize your software during installation, run the software authorization with the following syntax to authorize ArcGIS Notebook Server silently. Run the following command to view all options for authorization:
<ArcGIS Notebook Server install directory>/tools/authorizeSoftware --help
Authorize in a disconnected and headless environment
You can authorize ArcGIS Notebook Server in a disconnected environment with no display set (headless) using a provisioning (.prvc) file.
- At the prompt, run the command provided below after ArcGIS Notebook Server installation is complete:
<ArcGIS Notebook Server installation directory>/tools/authorizeSoftware -f <full path to the .prvc file> -o <full path to authorization file output>
- When the output information file has been created, do one of the following:
- Browse to the Esri customer service website at Follow the instructions on the screen to upload your authorization information file and download your .ecp authorization file.
- Send your authorization information file by email to Esri will send your .ecp authorization file back to you in an email.
- When you have received your .ecp authorization file using either above method, run the authorizeSoftware script again to process it and complete the server authorization process:
<ArcGIS Notebook Server installation directory>/tools/authorizeSoftware -f <full path to the .ecp file>
Repeat this workflow for each machine on which you want to install ArcGIS Notebook Server.
After installing all software, configure ArcGIS Notebook Server and then create your server site. There is an option to create the site via the createsite command line utility.
Silently uninstall the software
To uninstall ArcGIS Notebook Server silently from the command line, run the following command:
<ArcGIS Notebook Server installation directory>/uninstall_ArcGISNotebookServer