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Automate notebook execution

This ArcGIS 10.8 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

Starting at 10.8.1, notebook authors can schedule ArcGIS Notebooks for automated execution at a fixed time in the future, either once or on a recurring basis. Creating Tasks to schedule notebooks allows you to automate routine workflows, run data-intensive processes during off-peak usage hours, and regularly update datasets. For example, you can schedule a notebook to do the following:

  • Import data from an online source that updates monthly, automatically clean the data and apply necessary transformations, and move the data to your workspace.
  • Execute a big data analysis workflow that requires heavy processing power overnight, when your machine resources are otherwise unused.
  • Manage users who have created accounts in your portal during the past week and send the list to you via email.

Using the Tasks page in ArcGIS Notebook Server Manager, administrators can view details, edit, pause/resume, or delete each notebook task currently active in the site.

Administrators can also automate a notebook to run without user control using the Execute Notebook operation in the ArcGIS Notebook Server Administrator Directory. This operation executes the notebook immediately, but by scripting the operation, you can schedule automated execution to occur at a future time or on a regular schedule. You can use a cron job to schedule the execute operation for a future time or recurring time interval.


The ability to schedule notebooks using tasks in the notebook editor was introduced at 10.8.1. At the 10.8 release, the only option to remotely execute notebooks is through the administrative Execute Notebook endpoint.

ArcGIS Notebook Server performs automated execution by opening a new container and running the notebook in its entirety. The executed notebook can be saved as the notebook's portal item after completion. Users can also specify parameters to be added to the notebook in a new cell and to optionally save that new cell in the notebook.


To use automated execution, the notebook must be using a 10.8 or 10.8.1 runtime.

To begin, see the Execute Notebook topic in the Administrator Directory reference guide.