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Best practices for administrators

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Best practices and reminders for administrators of ArcGIS Notebook Server are listed below.

Manage your deployment

This section will cover best practices for managing your ArcGIS Notebook Server deployment.

Machine resources

When a notebook is running, the container it runs in consumes resources on the ArcGIS Notebook Server site. The Standard runtime requires 1 CPU core and 4 GB of memory, while the Advanced runtime requires 2 CPU cores and 6 GB of memory. Ensure that your server site has adequate capacity on its machine to support each portal member who has notebook privileges.


ArcGIS Notebook Server must be federated to a portal to function. You can't have a stand-alone ArcGIS Notebook Server site.

Don't unfederate your ArcGIS Notebook Server site unless absolutely necessary. Unfederating an ArcGIS Notebook Server site has serious, irreversible consequences for your server content and notebooks.


Open and protect port 11443 on your ArcGIS Notebook Server machine. The Web Adaptor needs to communicate with this port, and all traffic should go through the Web Adaptor.

ArcGIS Notebook Server needs access to port 7443 on the machine hosting the ArcGIS Enterprise portal with which it's federated. Port 7443 does not need to be open on the ArcGIS Notebook Server machine.

Docker containers are created on ports 30001 through 31000 by default. These ports are not exposed outside the ArcGIS Notebook Server machine, and only ArcGIS Notebook Server needs to communicate with these ports.


The Docker Engine component in your ArcGIS Notebook Server site provides the networking for the code in ArcGIS Notebooks to access your network. If there are network connectivity issues in a running notebook, check the Docker network using the docker network command tool as follows:

  • Use the docker network create command to re-create your network if necessary.
  • If you re-create your network, reassign it to your site containers using the docker network connect command.

To view a list of all containers running in your site, use the docker ps -a command.


You can use ArcGIS Notebook Server logs to troubleshoot issues related to running ArcGIS Notebooks. Query the logs using the ArcGIS Notebook Server Administrator Directory. There are various log levels you can set to view different types of information.

Linux users

Run the diagnostics check before completing installation.

ArcGIS Notebook Server should not be run as root.

Control access

This section explains how you can control access to components of your ArcGIS Notebook Server deployment.

Portal access

Control who has notebook privileges in your ArcGIS Enterprise portal. Each member who creates their first notebook launches their own Docker container for notebooks. This is a significant action that uses resources and memory on your server machine.

By default, only portal administrators have privileges to create and edit notebooks; publishers do not. Create one or more custom roles in the portal to grant notebook privileges to nonadministrator members, and be mindful of who is assigned a role that includes these privileges.

System access

The arcgisworkspace folder created during installation must have strict access control. Only the user who installed ArcGIS Notebook Server, and the system administrators, can initially access it. This folder contains your users' private workspaces, which store data that should be inaccessible to others. This location also stores portal token information that Docker containers can access.

By default, this directory is located at <ArcGIS Notebook Server install directory>/usr/directories/arcgisworkspace.

Shared notebooks

When opening a shared notebook as an administrator, you have administrative privileges over the notebook, including the ability to run all cells. Only open notebooks from a trusted source, and run each cell only after you've reviewed its content.

Customize your deployment

ArcGIS Notebook Server allows you to create a replacement for the default notebook template for your organization.

Change the default notebook template

ArcGIS Notebook Server includes a default notebook template that appears when a new notebook is opened. As an administrator, you can overwrite this default template with a notebook file customized for your organization.

To do this, author the notebook you want to use as your organization's default template and save it to overwrite the existing template notebook, which is located at <ArcGIS Notebook Server install directory>/framework/etc/ipynb_defaults/default_new.ipynb. The notebook must be named default_new.ipynb if it's to be used as the ArcGIS Notebook Server default template notebook.