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Create an ArcGIS Notebook Server site

This ArcGIS 10.9 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

After you install ArcGIS Notebook Server and configure it with Docker, create a server site. A site is an individual deployment of ArcGIS Notebook Server and is the server unit that can be federated with the ArcGIS Enterprise portal.

At 10.7.1 and later, ArcGIS Notebook Server supports joining additional machines to your site. In a multiple-machine site, each machine is configured the same, with identical Docker setups, and each can run ArcGIS Notebooks. If you are setting up a multiple-machine site, refer to the help topic Join additional machines to an ArcGIS Notebook Server site, which explains the additional steps needed in the installation and configuration process.

There are two ways to create the server site. You can either use the ArcGIS Notebook Server configuration wizard, or create the site using the createsite command line utility.

Use the wizard to create your site

The ArcGIS Notebook Server configuration wizard creates an ArcGIS Notebook Server site on the machine. After you have run the postinstallation utility, open the configuration wizard.


When you first open the configuration wizard in a browser, the initial page uses insecure http communication. Accept any warnings and continue; the wizard will switch to secure https communication.

  1. In the wizard, provide a user name and password and click Next.
  2. Note:
    The primary site administrator account using this user name and password is recognized only by ArcGIS Notebook Server; it's not an operating system account, and it's managed separately from the user accounts in your user store. The primary site administrator has unrestricted access to the ArcGIS Notebook Server site. This account is typically used to create the ArcGIS Notebook Server site and to configure and manage security. The primary site administrator account shouldn't be confused with the ArcGIS Notebook Server account you provided during installation.
  3. Type the paths to the directories you want to use for your content directory, workspace directory, and configuration store.

    By default, they are created in <ArcGIS Notebook Server installation directory>/usr. You can use different directories on your local drive or on your network for the configuration store, content store, and logs. This location must be accessible to the ArcGIS Notebook Server account, and the account must have read and write permissions to it.

  4. Click Next.
  5. Review the summary page and click Finish to create your site, or click Back to make changes.

If you are setting up a single-machine site, proceed to install and configure ArcGIS Web Adaptor with your site once the site is created.

If you are setting up a multiple-machine site, join additional machines to the site once it is created, then proceed to install and configure ArcGIS Web Adaptor with your site.

Use the createsite utility to create your site

Once ArcGIS Notebook Server is installed, you can use the createsite command line utility to create a server site. To do so, you have the following options:

  • Run the createsite utility as the ArcGIS Notebook Server account from the command prompt window, and specify the user name, password, configuration store location, and directory parameters.
  • Provide the path to the file that specifies these parameters. This is the recommended option, as it is more secure.
The utility is located at <ArcGIS Notebook Server install directory>/tools/createSiteUtility. The command line parameters for the utility are as follows:


-u or --username

A user name for the primary site administrator. The user name cannot contain these characters: \:/*?|<>".

-p or --password

A password for the primary site administrator. The password must be at least eight characters long. It can contain letters, numbers, and a dot character ., but cannot contain other characters, such as \:/*?|<>".

-d or --directory

The root server directory location. By default, the ArcGIS Notebook Server directories are created in the local directory /<ArcGIS Notebook Server install directory>/usr/directories.

-c or --configstore

The configuration store location for the ArcGIS Notebook Server site. By default, the configuration store is created in the local directory /<ArcGIS Notebook Server install directory>/usr/config-store.

-f or --file

The full path to the properties file for the createsite utility, if you're using it to specify your parameters.

-h or --help

Displays command line help and exits.

Specify parameters in the utility

If you're specifying parameters in the utility, run the command with the following syntax: [-u <username>] [-p <password>] [-d <directory>] [-c <config-store>]. The arguments are as follows:

The following code example demonstrates keeping the default directory and configuration store locations.

<ArcGIS Notebook Server install directory>/tools/createSiteUtility/ -u notebookPSA -p my.Password3

The following code example demonstrates specifying locations other than the defaults.

<ArcGIS Notebook Server install directory>/tools/createSiteUtility/ -u notebookPSA -p my.Password3 -d /path/to/directories -c /path/to/config-store

Specify parameters from a file

If you're specifying parameters from a file, run the command to use the file with the following syntax: [-f <filepath>]. A sample template of this file is located in <ArcGIS Notebook Server install directory>/tools/createSiteUtility/. The file should use the following syntax:

# Configuration properties for ArcGIS Notebook Server site creation
# User name for primary site administrator.
# Cannot contain these characters: \/:*?<>"
# Password for primary site administrator.
# Must contain a dot character (.)
# Cannot contain these characters: \/:*?<>"
# Initially, leave SERVER_ADMIN_PASSWORD_ENCRYPTED set to false.
# When you run the tool the first time, the password will be
# encrypted and SERVER_ADMIN_PASSWORD_ENCRYPTED will change to true.
# Root server directory. By default, the server directories will be created locally.
# Configuration store for the ArcGIS Notebook Server site. By default, the configuration store will be created locally.
# Workspace for the site. By default, this directory will be created locally.

When you run the utility successfully, a message appears before the tool closes indicating that the ArcGIS Notebook Server site was created.

If you are setting up a single-machine site, install and configure ArcGIS Web Adaptor with your site once the site is created.

If you are setting up a multiple-machine site, join additional machines to the site once it is created, then proceed to install and configure ArcGIS Web Adaptor with your site.