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Advanced settings for ArcGIS Notebook Server

ArcGIS 11.2 (Linux)  | |  Help archive

In most cases, the default settings and parameters of your ArcGIS Notebook Server site ensure adequate system performance. Starting at 10.8, ArcGIS Notebook Server Manager allows you to change some advanced settings governing your site and its Docker component. As an administrator, you can modify settings to improve system performance, increase site limits, or accommodate your organization's IT practices. Be sure you understand each setting and its effects before making changes to the default values.

Settings available in Server Manager

The following site settings can be viewed and changed in ArcGIS Notebook Server Manager:

  • WebSocket size (MB)—The maximum size (in megabytes) of a packet that can be passed between the server and client browsers using the WebSocket protocol. ArcGIS Notebook Server uses WebSocket to facilitate efficient, secure two-way communication with clients. The default value of this property is 16 MB. You may need to raise this limit if a particularly large piece of data is being passed by a notebook to the server site.
  • Max containers per node for interactive containers—This property limits the number of containers that can be opened interactively at one time per ArcGIS Notebook Server machine. The default value is 20 containers; after the limit is reached, additional containers cannot be opened. Containers that are opened for automated running using the executeNotebook operation have their own limit property and do not count toward this limit. See the Max containers per node for automated containers property to manage this limit for automated containers.
  • Idle notebook threshold—This property governs when idle notebooks are closed. Notebooks that are open but have been inactive for this amount of time (in minutes) are automatically closed. The notebook's kernel is stopped. The default is 1440 (24 hours). You may want to lower this value if you have many authors and limited server resources.
  • Container created threshold—This property sets how long a container can remain open (in minutes) without running any active notebooks. After this value is reached, the container is automatically closed. The default is 60 minutes. As with the idle notebook threshold, you may want to reduce this value to conserve resources.
  • Max containers per node for automated containers—This property limits the number of automated notebook containers that can run concurrently on each notebook server machine and applies to notebooks run as scheduled tasks, web tools, webhooks, or by the API. The default value is 10 containers. Once the limit is reached, additional containers can't be opened until one of the initial automated tasks is completed on the machine.

View and change settings in Server Manager

Follow these steps to access the site settings.

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS Enterprise portal as an administrator and open ArcGIS Notebook Server Manager.
  2. Open the Settings page, and click Site.

    If you change any of the setting values, the Save button becomes available.

  3. Click it to save your edits.

The ArcGIS Notebook Server site will restart.

Download ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript in a disconnected environment

When configuring ArcGIS Notebook Server in an environment without internet access, you must download the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript in your disconnected environment and configure the jsapiCDN system property in ArcGIS Notebook Server to render layers using the map widget in a notebook.

Follow the steps below to setup the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript in your disconnected environment:

  1. Download version 4.24 of the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript and deploy it to your web server in the disconnected environment.
  2. Register the MIME types that are required on the web server hosting the API.
  3. Verify that the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript is accessible from a browser on the disconnected environment using the following URL format: https://[]/[path to v4.24 api]/init.js.

Configure the jsapiCDN system property

Follow the steps below to configure the jsapiCDN system property.


Ensure that there are no active notebooks in use before making this change, as updating the notebook server's system properties will terminate all active notebook containers.

  1. Sign in to the ArcGIS Notebook Server Administrator Directory as an administrator.

    The directory is commonly accessible at or

  2. Click System > Properties.
  3. Click Update properties.
  4. Add "jsapiCDN": "https://[]/[path to v4.24]" to the end of the existing list of properties.
  5. Click Update properties to save the changes.

All newly opened notebooks will now use the updated JavaScript API for rendering the map widget.