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What's new in Pipeline Referencing for Server

This ArcGIS 10.7 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

New at 10.7.1

The following enhancements are included in the 10.7.1 release.

Add Point Event widget eyedropper tool

The eyedropper tool, previously available in the Add Line Events widget in Event Editor, is now available in the Add Point Event widget. This tool allows you to copy attributes from events on the map and populate attributes for new point events. This is especially helpful when adding multiple point events that will have the same attributes.

Event Editor supports additional extent formats

Event Editor now supports launching to a specific extent using a Well-Known ID (WKID) or Well-Known Text String (WKT). For more information, see Define the extent.

New at 10.7

The following enhancements are included in the 10.7 release.

Conflict prevention in Pipeline Referencing for Server

Conflict prevention is now supported in Pipeline Referencing for Server 10.9 and ArcGIS Pro 2.4. The conflict prevention process allows users to select routes and events for exclusive use for editing in their version. Once a route or event is associated with the user who locks it, only that user can make changes to the locked route or event until the edits are posted to the Default version in the geodatabase or the version with the edits is deleted. This ensures no other user can make changes while the user with exclusive use is editing. Conflict prevention is supported through new Linear Referencing Service REST API endpoints to acquire, query, and release locks. In Event Editor, any service with layers from a linear referencing service (LRS) with conflict prevention enabled will automatically have conflict prevention in use throughout the application.

Location Referencing geoprocessing toolbox in ArcGIS Server

A new system toolbox has been added to Location Referencing for Server 10.9


This toolbox is automatically deployed with other system tools in ArcGIS Server when you create a site.

LocationReferencingSystemTools supports executing Location Referencing geoprocessing tools with input data coming from a feature service that has both linear referencing and version management capabilities enabled. For more information, see Enabling the linear referencing capability and Share as web layers with linear referencing and version management.

In this topic
  1. New at 10.7.1
  2. New at 10.7