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Manage items

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In this topic

If you are an administrator of your organization or you have the correct privileges, you can manage the content owned by members. You can edit its details; change its sharing properties, such as making a public item private; move the item to a different folder; change who owns the item; and delete the item. You can also change item ownership in bulk using a command line utility.

Managing items using the portal website

You can manage the content owned by members using the portal website. You cannot change the ownership of an item in bulk using the portal website.

  1. Verify that you are signed in to your organization and that you have privileges to manage items owned by other members.
  2. Click My Organization at the top of the site.
  3. Click Actions Actions and Manage Items in the row of the member whose items you want to manage. The member's My Content page opens.
  4. Check the left-hand check box in the row for the item and click the item's title to open the item details page. Here, you have options to perform any of the following actions:
    • To edit the details, click Edit. Depending on the item type, you have options to update the title, description, thumbnail, URL, delete protection, and so on.
    • To change an item's sharing properties, click Share and update who the item is shared with: the organization, everybody (public), or groups to which the member belongs.
    • To change which folder the item is in, click Move, select a different folder (or click New folder and create a new folder), then click Move. Only administrators can move items at this time.
    • To reassign the item, click Change Owner and select a new owner for the item.
    • To delete the item from your organization, click Delete.

Changing item ownership in bulk using the command line utility

Changing item ownership in bulk using the command line utility is appropriate if you need to transfer the ownership of multiple members' items to other members in your portal at once. You may need to transfer ownership of items if you are attempting to remove members. Members cannot be removed if they own content or groups.

Use the TransferOwnershipcommand line utility installed with the software to transfer ownership of member items in bulk. The tool is located in the <Portal for ArcGIS installation location>/tools/accountmanagement directory. The tool takes a text file as input and must run on the machine where the portal is installed.


The utility can only be executed by a built-in administrator account; you cannot use an enterprise administrator account. The built-in account you use can be the initial administrator account you set up when you configured the portal or another built-in account that has been granted administrator privileges. If you have deleted the initial administrator account and do not have any other built-in administrator accounts available, you will need to create one to execute the utility. For instructions, see the Built-in portal accounts section of Adding members to your portal.

  1. Create a text file that contains the user names of members that currently own items and the user names of members to which the item's ownership is transferred. Separate user names using a pipe (|). Each line must contain two user names; the first name listed is the current owner and the second name listed is the new owner.



    Specify the user name of the members. Do not use the full name of the members; the tool ignores all entries that use the full name of the members. Also note that the user names you type in the text file must be in the same case as they are stored in the portal. Run the ListUsers command line utility or check the My Organization page of your portal website to see how the user names are stored.

  2. Save the text file.
  3. Run the TransferOwnership command line tool by specifying your text file as the tool's input.

    The following example runs the TransferOwnership command with a file named ownershiptotransfer.txt.

    ./ --file /data/scripts/ownershiptotransfer.txt.


    Be sure to use the correct case for command line options and file names.