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Configure map viewer

This ArcGIS 10.3 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

As an Administrator of your organization, you can choose which basemaps and templates your organization uses to create maps. You also set the default basemap, extent, and units, and include a Bing Maps key if your organization wants to use Bing Maps.

  1. Sign in to the portal website as an Administrator of your organization and click My Organization on the top menu. Your organization page opens.
  2. Click Edit Settings.
  3. Click Map on the left side of the page.
  4. Configure any of the following map viewer settings:
    • For Basemap Gallery, choose a group with maps you want used as basemaps for the map viewer. Basemaps need to be single-layer maps created with the map viewer. If you reference a multilayer basemap, only the bottom layer will appear.

      Check to add the current Esri default basemaps to your basemap gallery group. To add additional Esri default basemaps (for example, after a site update), check the box again and save your settings. To remove Esri default basemaps, open your basemap gallery group and remove the items you no longer want.

      To change how the basemaps are sorted in the gallery, select a field in the drop-down list next to Sorted by. To change how the basemaps are ordered, check or uncheck the box next to Ascending. If you change the sort field or order here, the items on the group page, as well as on embedded galleries or gallery apps, are also changed.

    • For Default Basemap, choose the basemap you want opened when users create a new map with the map viewer. You see the maps in the group you selected for the Basemap Gallery.

      The default basemap opens at the default extent you set. To set the default extent to the extent of your currently selected default basemap, click Use map extent as default. To set a different extent, click Choose Extent and enter numerical values or draw the extent. A geocoder is included to help you find a specific place or address.

    • For Bing Maps, if your organization wants to use Bing Maps in maps, enter the Bing Maps key that Microsoft provided you.

      If you enable this option, members of your organization see Bing as an option for adding layers from the web.

      Check the box to allow your Bing key to be used in maps shared publicly by organization members (your Bing key will be exposed to the public). This option only appears if your organization allows anonymous access to your site (in the Security section). If you disable anonymous access, the public will no longer be able to see your maps with Bing Maps. To reenable public access of your maps with Bing Maps, you need to recheck anonymous access and recheck the option to allow your Bing key to be used in maps shared publicly.

      If you have questions about using Bing Maps with Portal for ArcGIS, contact your account manager or local Esri office.

    • For Web App Templates, choose the group that contains templates that you want available for creating web apps.

      Check to add the current Esri default templates to your template group. To add additional Esri default templates (for example, after a site update), check the box again and save your settings. To remove Esri default templates you added to your group, open the group and remove the items you no longer want.

      To change how the templates are sorted in the web app gallery, select a field in the drop-down list next to Sorted by. To change how the templates are ordered, check or uncheck the box next to Ascending. If you change the sort field or order here, the items on the group page, as well as on embedded galleries or gallery apps, are also changed.


      Each template should include a downloadable ZIP file containing the source code of the app template and a preview version that can be displayed in a web browser. Add your preview version as a Web Mapping Application item and attach your source code to the item.

    • For Units, choose US Standard or Metric as the default units for the map scale bar, measure tool, directions, and analysis. US Standard sets the units to miles, feet, and inches; Metric sets the units to kilometers, meters, and centimeters. Members can set the units they see through their profile page.
  5. Click Save to save the changes you've made.
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