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Configuring units and region

This ArcGIS 10.3 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

As an Administrator of your organization, you can configure the portal website to default to a specific region of the world and display measurement units common for that area. For example, setting the region to Ireland (IE) will change the default extent of new maps and display metric units (kilometers, meters) in the map viewer. If your portal is configured to find directions, the units displayed for the directions will also reflect the region set for the portal.

By default, no region is specified for the portal. The extent for new maps will display the entire world and use United States standard units (miles, feet). If a custom basemap gallery is set for the portal, new maps created in the map viewer will adhere to the extent defined in the custom basemap.

To specify the region, follow the steps below.

  1. Open the ArcGIS Portal Directory and sign in as an Administrator of your organization. The URL is formatted
  2. Determine which region you want to specify. Click Home > Portals > Regions.

    The United States (US) region sets the units to miles and feet. All other regions set the units to kilometers and meters.

  3. From the list, copy the region code of the area you want to specify. For example, if you want to specify New Zealand, copy NZ.
  4. Click your browser's back button.
  5. In the upper right, click your user name, for example, initialadmin.
  6. Click the link next to Org ID.
  7. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Update.
  8. In the Region field, paste the region code you copied from above, for example, NZ for New Zealand.
  9. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Update Organization.
  10. In the upper right, click Logout to log out of the ArcGIS Portal Directory.

Your portal is now configured with the region you specified.