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Installing Portal for ArcGIS

This ArcGIS 10.3 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.
In this topic

The steps below will guide you through the Portal for ArcGIS installation process.


Upgrading to 10.3.1? For more information, see About upgrading Portal for ArcGIS.

Preparing to install Portal for ArcGIS

  1. Verify that your site meets the minimum system requirements.
  2. Log in as a user with administrative privileges.
  3. Open the ports as described in Ports used by Portal for ArcGIS.
  4. Close all noncritical applications on your server.
  5. Browse to the downloaded folder containing the Portal for ArcGIS setup or insert the Portal for ArcGIS media into the appropriate drive to automatically launch the setup program.

You are now ready to proceed with the Portal for ArcGIS installation.

Installing Portal for ArcGIS

  1. Run the setup program from the Portal for ArcGIS download folder or setup media and click Next.
  2. Read the license agreement and accept it, or exit if you do not agree with the terms. Click Next.
  3. Specify the Portal for ArcGIS installation directory. Only one feature is available for installation: Portal for ArcGIS. The Portal for ArcGIS installation directory is for the portal's software components. Click Next.
  4. Specify the portal's content directory. The content directory stores content installed with the portal as well as user-generated content.
    • The location you specify must be a local directory; you cannot choose a shared network directory. This is because the Portal for ArcGIS service is configured to run under the Windows native LocalSystem account by default. The LocalSystem account cannot access network locations. After installation, it is possible to change the account that is used to run Portal for ArcGIS. For more information about the account and how to change it, see The Portal for ArcGIS account.
    • If Portal for ArcGIS has been installed previously, you can only choose to use the existing content directory if it is a local directory. If the existing directory is from a shared network location, you will not be able to specify it in the setup. Instead, you can configure your portal to use the existing content directory after the installation has completed. To learn more, see Changing the portal content directory.
  5. Click Next > Install.
  6. When the installation completes, click Finish. The Software Authorization Wizard dialog box displays. Complete the authorization process. For more information, see Authorizing Portal for ArcGIS.

If you encounter an error during the installation

If you encounter a failure during the installation, you can review the logs to help you troubleshoot. When doing this, first determine if you can access the ArcGIS Portal Directory. If you can, query the logs and review the messages. If not, review the log messages on disk. To access the logs on disk, browse to the logs directory and open the most recent log file (for example, C:\arcgisportal\logs\<machine name>\portal\portal-20150101.095803-8596-0.0.log). If necessary, you can share this information with Esri Support.