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Manage groups

This ArcGIS 10.3 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

If you're an Administrator of your organization or you have the correct privileges, you can manage groups that members own. You can edit the group details, change the status of who can see and join the group, change the sharing properties, invite members, manage membership requests, change the owner, remove a member from a group, and delete the group.


It's recommended that you create some groups for members to join that showcase your organization's featured content, basemaps, and templates. This will help users gain an understanding of how content is organized in the portal and how to collaborate with others. For more information, see Site configuration groups.

  1. Sign in to the portal website and verify that you have privileges to manage member groups.
  2. Click My Organization at the top of the site.
  3. Click Actions Actions and View Groups in the row of the member whose groups you want to manage. The member's Groups page opens.
  4. To manage a specific group owned by the member, click the title of the group and perform any of the following actions. Some actions may not be available depending on how the group was created. For example, if the group is linked to an enterprise group from an enterprise identity store, the options to invite users and manage membership requests will not be available.
    • To edit the information of a group, click Edit. You can edit the group name, summary, description, thumbnail, and so on.
    • To change the status and who can find, join, and contribute, click Edit and update the Status, Users, and Contributors properties. You must have the correct privileges to update the status of a private group or define an enterprise group to manage membership.
    • To invite other members to join the group, click Invite Users and select the members you want to send invitations to. You can add users to the group without having to send them invitations that they must accept to become part of the group. To do this, click Add members of the organization immediately, without requiring confirmation on the Invite Users pop-up.

      Invitations are sent as a notification in the portal to the selected members; they are not sent as an email. Members will need to log in to the portal in order to see notifications for group invitations. Notifications are listed next to the member's user name in the portal website.

    • To remove the member from a group, click Remove user from group Remove user from group to the right of the member's name.
    • To manage requests to join the group, click Membership Requests and accept or reject each request.
    • To change the owner of a group, click Change Owner and select a new group owner.

      If you need to change ownership of groups and other items in bulk, you can use the TransferOwnership command line tool. For more information, see Managing items.

    • To delete the group, click Delete Group.

      If the group is linked to an enterprise group from an enterprise identity store, only the group item is deleted from the portal. The enterprise group is unaffected as it is managed by the identity store.

      If the group is deleted directly from the identity store, the group item is retained in the portal. All group members are removed from the item, except the group owner.

  5. To add the member to one or more groups in your organization, click Add To Groups and select the groups to add the member to.
  6. If you see a number next to Invitations, the member has been invited to join that number of groups. Click Invitations and for each group, click Join this group or Decline.