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Upgrade Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS

This ArcGIS 10.3 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.
In this topic

If you upgrade an earlier version of Portal for ArcGIS to 10.3.1, and you used Operations Dashboard, you also need to upgrade Operations Dashboard. You'll need to upgrade regardless of whether you linked to the Operations Dashboard app hosted on ArcGIS Online or if you deployed Operations Dashboard to your portal.

App hosted on ArcGIS Online

If, in your previous version of Portal for ArcGIS, you created an item that allowed users to download Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS from ArcGIS Online, you need to delete that item to complete your upgrade. Portal for ArcGIS 10.3.1 comes with a preconfigured item for installing Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS from ArcGIS Online. Users can browse to the preconfigured item directly from your organization's Gallery page.

App deployed to Portal for ArcGIS

If, in your previous version of Portal for ArcGIS, you deployed Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS to your portal, allowing users to download the app directly from your portal, follow the steps below to remove that deployment and deploy Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS 10.3.1:

  1. Delete the <portal install directory>\arcgis\Portal\webapps\docroot\opsdashboard folder. For example, c:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Portal\webapps\docroot\opsdashboard. The deployment location and URL have changed at 10.3, and that folder is no longer needed.
  2. Delete the <portal install directory>\arcgis\portal\webapps\docroot\help\en\operations-dashboard folder. For example, c:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Portal\webapps\docroot\help\en\operations-dashboard. The help now deploys with the app and no longer needs a separate location.
  3. Deploy the new version of Operations Dashboard. See Deploy Operations Dashboard to Portal for ArcGIS.

    Skip the section Create an item on the portal; in the next step, you reuse the item you created previously.

    The deployment utility no longer requires you to specify the authentication type used by your portal.

  4. Update the item on the portal that references your deployment to reference the new application and help URLs:
    • Application URL: becomes (where host, domain, and webadaptor are replaced by the information about your portal)
    • Help URL: becomes (where host, domain, and webadaptor are replaced by the information about your portal)