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Web AppBuilder includes many out-of-the-box widgets. These widgets provide fundamental functions to easily create web apps. Most of these widgets have parameters that allow configuration and customization. In general, widgets can be categorized as two types, that is, in-panel and off-panel widgets.
Off-panel widgets
Off-panel widgets can be turned on or off but cannot be removed from the application. It does not have a panel, therefore it cannot be added to the header or side controller. The off-panel widgets embedded in a theme will display when the Widget tab is activated. Below is the list of off-panel widgets:
- Attribute table—Displays a tabular view of operational layers' attributes. Currently, layers from map service, feature service and feature collection in the map are supported.
- Coordinate—Displays coordinates in the current map projection when moving the cursor on the map or in other coordinate systems by clicking the map.
- Geocoder—Enables finding a location on the map.
- Home Button—Click to zoom to map's initial extent.
- My Location—Detects your physical location and zooms the map to it.
- Overview Map—Shows the current spatial extent of the map display as a grey rectangle relative to the entire spatial extent of the basemap service.
- Scalebar—Displays a scalebar on the map.
- Splash--Displays content on the splash screen.
- Swipe--Shows a portion of a layer or layers on top of a map.
- Time Slider--Visualizes content within a map that contains time-aware layers.

In-panel widgets
In-panel widgets are available to the widget controllers and can be added to your application. By default, they are contained by a controller. Depending on which theme you select, they may show in the upper right corner of the application with the header controller in a Foldable theme, or on the left side of the application with the side controller in the Tab theme.
Each in-panel widget requires user interactions on the panel. Below is the list of in-panel widgets:
- About---Provides information about your app.
- Basemap Gallery—Presents a gallery of basemaps and allows you to select one.
- Bookmark—Spatial bookmarks for quick navigation.
- Chart—Displays charts for selected features.
- Directions—Calculates and displays directions between two or more locations.
- Draw—Draws basic graphics and texts on the map.
- Edit—Provides tools to modify features in editable layers.
- Geoprocessing—Allows you to use any task from geoprocessing services.
- Layer List—Displays a list of operational layers in the application.
- Legend—Displays a legend for the visible layers in the map.
- Measurement—Allows you to measure the area of a polygon, length of a line, or find the coordinates of a point.
- Print—Advanced or basic printing of the current map.
- Query—Query information from operational layers by executing a predefined query.

In addition, in-panel widgets are associated with placeholders that define the position of an in-panel widget on the screen. You can drag and drop the in-panel widget on the map when it opens. You can also resize the panel of the widget by dragging its right-bottom corner.