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Troubleshoot ArcGIS Data Store

Listed here are issues you may encounter when setting up or using ArcGIS Data Store. The links take you to possible solutions to each issue.

ArcGIS Data Store configuration


I receive the message Error: AGSDATASTORE variable is not set when I run the configuredatastore utility.

The ArcGIS Data Store setup executable sets the AGSDATASTORE variable to the directory where it installs ArcGIS Data Store. If you run the configuredatastore utility from the same command prompt in which you ran the setup executable, that command prompt session predates the existence of the variable. Open a new command prompt and run the configuredatastore utility.

I receive the message Could not connect to server on machine. ArcGIS Data Store or ArcGIS Server on that machine may not be running or the machine is not reachable at this time.

ArcGIS Data Store cannot connect to ArcGIS Server using the URL provided. Check the following and try again:

  • Make sure the URL is correct. The URL must be in the format
  • Confirm the ArcGIS Server is running.

I receive the message Could not configure data store machine. ArcGIS Data Store and ArcGIS for Server must be the same release version..

ArcGIS for Server and ArcGIS Data Store must be at the same release. Either upgrade your ArcGIS Server site to the same release as ArcGIS Data Store, or install and configure a version of ArcGIS Data Store that matches your ArcGIS Server site.

I receive the message There is already a standby configured in the data store ('<primary data store machine name>'). A data store cannot have more than one standby machine.

Only two machines are allowed to participate in the data store: one primary and one standby machine. If you want to add a new standby machine, you must first remove the existing standby machine.

I receive the message Unable to create directory.

Possible reasons you would see this message include the following:

  • The content directory you specified is already in use.

    If you specify an existing directory, the directory cannot contain any files.

  • You don't have privileges to create a directory in the specified location. Confirm that you have sufficient privileges.
  • You specified a directory on a remote machine. The ArcGIS Data Store content directory cannot be stored on a machine that is remote from the ArcGIS Data Store installation.

When configuring a relational data store, I receive the message Server already has a managed data store.

ArcGIS Server can only have one managed database for its data store. If you decide you want to use ArcGIS Data Store with an ArcGIS Server site that already has a managed database, remove the existing managed database and re-add it as a registered database. Existing feature services that use the data in the managed database will still work.

When configuring a relational data store, I receive the message Failed to start relational data store database.

This message indicates the PostgreSQL database needed for the relational data store could not be created. There are many reasons for this; however, the most common is that the Data Store Configuration wizard or configuredatastore utility could not connect to the PostgreSQL database cluster to create the database. Either the ArcGIS Data Store account does not sufficient permissions on the ArcGIS Data Store content directory, or the PostgreSQL service (Windows) or process (Linux) could not start due to security settings on the machine. Confirm that PostgreSQL is running. If it is not, check if domain policies, firewall settings, antivirus software settings prevented it from starting. If the PostgreSQL is running, confirm that the ArcGIS Data Store account has full control (read, write, and execute permissions) of the content directory.

The directory that contains my data store backups is consuming a lot of storage space.

The size of each data store backup varies depending the amount and size of your data, how frequently ArcGIS Data Store creates backups, and how long you retain backup files. If you use the default backup frequency and retention schedule, a backup directory will contain five full backups and 31 days of incremental backup files. If you find the backup directory uses a large amount of storage, either increase the disk space on the machine or alter ArcGIS Data Store's backup frequency and retention schedules.

I receive the error message Could not connect to server on machine '<fully qualified machine name>'. ArcGIS Data Store or ArcGIS Server on that machine may not be running or the machine is not reachable at this time.

You could receive this message under a variety of circumstances but, in all cases, an attempt to connect to either the ArcGIS Data Store or its registered ArcGIS Server site failed. Be sure both are available for connections. Also be sure the client from which you are trying to connect has network connectivity.

When running the deletebackup utility, I receive the error message: Attempt to delete backup 'backup_oneFS' is not allowed. You can only delete a manual backup that is not required for a future restore.

This message is returned when you attempt to delete a backup file that is required to properly restore the data store. If the backup file was created during the backup retention period you have set for your data store, you cannot delete that backup.