ArcGIS Data Store is registered with an ArcGIS for Server site, which you set as a Portal for ArcGIS hosting server. You must upgrade all components of this system to the same version.
Be aware that you must upgrade ArcGIS for Server before you upgrade ArcGIS Data Store.
Follow the instructions in this topic and its related topics to upgrade:
Before you upgrade ArcGIS Data Store
Before you can upgrade ArcGIS Data Store, you must download the installation files for the ArcGIS Data Store release to which you want to upgrade, make a backup of your data store, and upgrade ArcGIS for Server and Portal for ArcGIS. If you are using a spatiotemporal big data store to archive high-volume data, you must also upgrade your ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server installation.
- Download the latest ArcGIS Data Store software installation files from My Esri.
- Run exportmanageddb to create a full backup of relational and tile cache data stores. Be sure your exported files are stored in a remote, secure location.
- Upgrade Portal for ArcGIS, the portal's web adaptor, ArcGIS for Server, and its web adaptor, and ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server (if you have it installed). Follow the instructions in Upgrade Portal for ArcGIS in the Portal for ArcGIS administrator guide and its related topics to upgrade your portal and its servers.
Upgrade ArcGIS Data Store
If you have a primary and standby machine in your relational or tile cache data store, complete the steps to upgrade and reconfigure the primary machine first. Be sure to then upgrade and reconfigure the standby machine; primary and standby machines must run the same ArcGIS Data Store release. Similarly, if you have multiple spatiotemporal big data stores configured with your ArcGIS Server site, you must upgrade and reconfigure all the spatiotemporal big data store machines.
- From the command prompt, launch the latest ArcGIS 10.4.1 Data Store setup script as the same user used to install the existing earlier version, for example, <CD ROOT or untar directory>/Setup.
To launch the setup script from the ArcGIS 10.4.1 Data Store setup media, click the setup script, and click Run in Terminal.
You do not have to stop the ArcGIS Data Store service manually to upgrade; the setup script will stop it for you.
- The setup will detect your existing earlier version of ArcGIS Data Store on the target machine and prompt you to continue or exit the upgrade. For example
========================================================================= ArcGIS 10.4.1 Data Store (Linux) ========================================================================= Your ArcGIS 10.3 Data Store is installed at: /home/ags/arcgis/server Confirm Settings ========================================================================= Product to upgrade: ArcGIS 10.3 Data Store (Linux) Location to upgrade: /home/ags/arcgis/datastore Your ArcGIS 10.3 Data Store will be stopped when performing the upgrade and ArcGIS 10.4.1 Data Store will be started after the upgrade completes 'y' to continue with these settings 'q' to exit without upgrading this product Enter choice [y,q] (y):
- Type y and press Enter to accept the detected settings and continue with the update.
Wait while ArcGIS Data Store is upgraded to 10.4.1. This may take several minutes.
Reconfigure the data store
After you upgrade an ArcGIS Data Store machine, you must reconfigure the data store with the same ArcGIS Server site you were using before upgrading.
- To reconfigure a standby relational data store or relational and tile cache data store running on the same machine, use either the Data Store Configuration wizard or configuredatastore command utility.
- If you are using only a tile cache data store (used for scene layer tile caches) but have your own managed database, use the configuredatastore command utility to reconfigure the standby tile cache data store.
- To reconfigure a spatiotemporal big data store, use the configuredatastore command utility.
Once you have upgraded and reconfigured the primary relational or tile cache data store or the first spatiotemporal big data store, repeat the upgrade and reconfiguration steps for the standby relational or tile cache data store or all additional spatiotemporal big data stores.
When the ArcGIS Server site, portal, and all ArcGIS Data Store machines are upgraded to the latest release, your existing hosted web layers are available for use, and you can publish new hosted feature layers and hosted scene layers, and archive high-volume observation data from GeoEvent.