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Presentation map

This ArcGIS 10.5 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

A presentation map is a web map saved to the My Content area of your organization. Presentation maps have been specifically designed to communicate a key piece of information related to your planning project. This could include a map showing the proposed alternatives that were considered, the final plan that is being proposed, or a mashup of any of the analysis layers and outcomes along the way. Because these presentation maps are standard web maps, they can be leveraged in a multitude of ways by the rest of the ArcGIS Platform.

The Presentation Map tool allows you to save the current state of your map as a web map. The saved web map contains all layers currently present in the table of contents, which may include the active design layers, operational layers, and analysis layers, and has the same map extent as the current map. This web map also has the same properties set in the current map, such as layer visibility and transparency. Like other web map items, this web map can be easily embedded into other ArcGIS Platform applications including Story Maps and Esri Maps for Office.

  1. Click the Open Menu button in the upper left corner of the application and click Presentation Map.
  2. Provide the title, summary, description, and tags for the new presentation map in the next window.
  3. Click Save.

The presentation web map is saved to your project folder in the My Content area of your organization. The current map, table of contents, and active scenario remain the same.