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Information Lookup

This ArcGIS 10.5 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

The Information Lookup app template allows users to enter a location to receive information about that location in a pop-up. If no features are found at that location, a configurable message is displayed in the pop-up instead.

Optionally, locations entered by users can be stored in a point layer, allowing you to gather metrics on what users are looking for.


You can configure the app using any of the following options:

  • Map: Choose which web map to use in your application.
  • Lookup layers: Specify one or more existing polygon layers (feature layer or dynamic map service) that contain the information you want to deliver to app users. To specify multiple layers, use a pipe (|) to separate each layer in the list. When app users input a location, the application checks to see which polygon the location falls inside. The information stored with that polygon (or polygons) is returned to the user in a pop-up window.

    For example, if you want to create an application to help users locate a home, you could use lookup layers that contain polygons for school districts, tax assessment districts, fire districts, water districts, historic flood plains, and flight paths. When users input an address, the app will return a pop-up containing information for each of the polygons the address falls inside.

  • Pop-up title: Provide a title for the pop-up users see when results are returned from one or more of the lookup layers.
  • Pop-up width: Define the width of pop-ups (in pixels).
  • Pop-up max height: Define the maximum height of pop-ups (in pixels).
  • Unavailable pop-up title: Provide a title for the pop-up users see when no results are returned from the lookup layers.
  • Unavailable pop-up message: Specify a message to return in the pop-up when no information is returned from the lookup layers.
  • Zoom level for location: Specify the level ID of the cache scale at which you want the map to display when a location is specified. The cache scale level ID is listed in the REST service endpoint for the feature layer or dynamic map service.
  • Store location: Use this option if you want to track what locations app users search for. You must provide information for the storage layer name, storage layer field, yes value, and no value if this option is checked.
  • Storage layer name: Specify an existing, editable point feature layer in which to store the locations app users input.
  • Storage layer field: Choose a field in the editable point feature layer to track whether or not information was returned from the lookup layers for the location the user specified.
  • Yes value: Specify a value that indicates information was returned from the lookup layers for the user-specified location. This value will be stored in the storage layer field.

    For example, if the storage layer field is a text field, you can store text, such as success, y, or hit, to indicate information was returned for that location. If the storage layer field is an integer field, you could store a 1 to indicate information was returned.

  • No value: Specify a value that indicates no information was returned from the lookup layers for the user-specified location. This value will be stored in the storage layer field.

    For example, if the storage layer field is a text field, you can store text, such as failed, n, or miss, to indicate there was no information returned for that location. If the storage layer field is an integer field, you could store a 0 to indicate no information was returned.

  • Application title: Provide a title for the application.
  • Display splash screen on startup: Show a window containing a message about the application each time a user opens the app.
  • Splash screen message: Type a message to display on the splash screen.
  • Splash screen theme: Choose a color scheme for the splash screen.


Requires a web map with a polygon feature layer to function as the lookup layer. The pop-up configured with the lookup layer appears when the address or point specified by the user intersects the lookup layer.

In this topic
  1. Options
  2. Requirements