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Own groups

This ArcGIS 10.5 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

As a group owner (or a portal member with administrator privileges), you manage the following for the group:

  • Manage group membership requests.
  • You can share public content to your group, which is useful when you find content that relates to the focus of your group but the owner is not a member.
  • You can remove content that members have shared to the group if you determine the content should not be available to the group.

Only group owners and those with administrator can manage membership requests, invite people to join, share public content, and remove content from the group.

If you've created a group that allows people to apply to join, you accept or decline membership requests and invite people to join.

Manage new membership requests

When someone requests to join a group you own, you see a New Membership Requests link in the group with the new request.

  1. Verify that you are signed in.
  2. Open Groups.
  3. Click Membership Requests and in the pop-up that appears, click Approve or Decline.

If you approve the request, the user is automatically added to your group. If you decline the request, the user is not added to your group. In either case, the user can check the status by opening the notifications window at the top of the site.

Invite members

You can invite people to join groups you own. If you created a private group, this is the only way members can join the group.

  1. Verify that you are signed in.
  2. Open Groups and click the name of the group you want to invite people to join.
  3. Click Invite Users and search for users to invite to join your group.

    You can search for users by name or by words users may have in their profile description, for example, Mike Jones Redlands GIS. If you are inviting members of another organization to your group, only those users who have made their profiles available to the public will be found in a search. However, you can still invite users who haven't set their profiles to be public if you enter their exact user name.

  4. Click a name in the Users list to add the name to the Invitation List. Repeat for each user you want to invite to the group.

    To remove a user from the Invitation List, click the name in that list.

  5. When the list is complete, click Send Invitation to invite the users to join your group.

Users receive a message in their Notifications pop-up. They can view the invitation on Groups and accept or reject it. If they accept the invitation, they are immediately added to your group.

Remove members

If you no longer want a member to participate in your group, you can remove them from the group. The member's items are also removed from the group.


The user's account and items are not removed from the portal; they are only removed from the group.

To remove a member, click the Remove user from group button Remove user from group to the right of the member's name.

Share public content

You can share public content with your group by following the steps below. If the content owner makes the item private, it is automatically removed from your group.

  1. Find and open the item page for the public item you want to share with your group. Items that have been shared with everyone (public) include a Share button on their item page. The Share button appears when you own at least one group.
  2. Click Share and check the box to the left of the group with which you want to share the item. You can check more than one group.

Remove content

If a group member has shared an item you do not think fits into your group, you can remove it. The item no longer appears in the group, but it is not deleted from the owner's account. It is still available to the owner and retains its other sharing properties, for example, being a public item. To remove an item from your group, click the Remove item from group button Remove item from group to the right of the item listed on the group page.

Share your group

If you have sharing privileges, you can click the Share button at the top of the group page to share the group in one of the following ways:

  • Copy a short URL for the group and paste it in an email, blog, or website.
  • Create a group app using a configurable template.
  • If the group is public, you can embed the group in a website.


You many not see all of these sharing options, depending on how your administrator has configured your portal website.