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View search results

This ArcGIS 10.5 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

Once you've performed a search, the results are displayed with summary information about each item including options to open items and see more details. In addition, the results page allows you to filter, sort, and find related searches.

You can perform the following operations with search results:

  • Click a thumbnail image to open it in the most appropriate app. For example, when you click a map thumbnail, it opens in the map viewer; when you click a web app thumbnail, its website opens.
  • Click the Open arrow under the thumbnail to select where the item opens. For example, you could choose to open a map in the map viewer.
  • Click the title or Details link to see details about the item.
  • Click the owner name in the summary information to learn about the author of the item. The profile includes links to the user's public items and groups.
  • Sort results by relevance, highest rated, most viewed, owner, and so on.
  • Use the filters under Show to refine your search to maps, layers, apps, tools, or files. Each category has additional filters to further refine the results. For example, you can filter layers to show only web layers and within web layers, you can see just features, map images, imagery, or tiles.
  • Use the links under Related Searches to find items and groups related to your search.
  • To show ArcGIS desktop content such as layer packages in the results, check the box next to Show ArcGIS Desktop Content.