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Report Feature widget

This ArcGIS 10.5 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

The Report Feature widget enables you to collect and manage data quality feedback from users. Users can report existing features from the map that are in error or require additional review. They can also identify missing features by sketching them on the map. Feedback is stored in your geodatabase as a Reviewer Result where it is assessed and managed through a defined life cycle workflow.


The Report Feature widget requires the ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server extension.

Configuring the Report Feature widget

The Report Feature widget can be set to open automatically when apps start. To do so, click the dot on the widget to turn it dark green.

  1. Hover over the widget and click the small edit icon Edit icon. The configuration window for this widget opens.
  2. Optionally, click the change widget icon button and replace it with your own image.
    A file explorer window opens, allowing you to select a local image file to use as the widget icon.
  3. Provide the Data Reviewer for Server URL, and click Set. The associated sessions in this new URL map service will populate the Default Session drop-down list.
  4. Choose how the Reviewer Technician attribute of a result is populated. Options for populating this attribute are as follows:
    • Logged in Username—The active portal username will populate the attribute.
    • Enter a default value—A pre-defined value will populate the attribute.
    • Allow user input—The user provides a value during submission.
  5. Choose the reviewer session to use as your default session from the drop-down list, and click OK.

    The Reviewer result will immediately save to the session you chose as your default session.

  6. By default, all layers in the current map are enabled for error reporting in the widget. To exclude one or more layers, uncheck the check box in the Include column.
  7. To edit the alias name of a layer, double-click the current Alias name and type a new name.

    The layer alias value is used only for display purposes in the widget’s UI. The layer value is used to populate the resourceName attribute of a result.

  8. Click OK to save and close your new configuration of the Report Feature widget.

Using the Report Feature widget

  1. On the Select tab, select a map layer from the drop-down menu.
  2. Zoom in and click to select a feature to report. The Details dialog box appears.
  3. Choose the appropriate Review Status from the following:
    • Add Feature
    • Delete Feature
    • Move Feature
    • Reshape Feature
  4. Provide Notes, if any, on the issue.
  5. Choose the Severity level of the non-conforming issue with this feature with 1 being the most severe and 5 being the least severe.
  6. In the Reported By field, type a name for the person who is reporting this issue.

    In some deployments, the Reported By field will not display.

  7. Click Report.

    A report received notification appears indicating that the feedback has been received. Click OK.

  8. Click the Draw tab, and choose a geometry type from the Draw toolbar options.
  9. Go to the exact location on the map where you want to report your feature, and draw. The Details dialog box appears.
  10. Choose the appropriate Review Status from the following:
    • Add Feature
    • Delete Feature
    • Move Feature
    • Reshape Feature
  11. Provide Notes, if any, on this issue.
  12. Choose the Severity level of the non-conforming issue with this feature with 1 being the most severe and 5 being the least severe.
  13. In the Reported By field, type a name for the person who is reporting this issue.

    In some deployments, the Reported By field will not display.

  14. Click Report.

    A report received notification appears indicating that the feedback has been received. Click OK .