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Share widget

This ArcGIS 10.5 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

The Share widget allows you to share an app by posting it to your social media account, sending an email with a link, or embedding it in a website or blog. It also provides an easy way to define URL parameters for the app.

Configuring the Share widget

The Share widget can be set to open automatically when apps start. To do so, click the dot on the widget to change it to dark green.

There is no configuration for the Share widget.

Using the Share widget

  1. Click the Share widget icon to open it.
  2. Copy the short link under Share a link to this app and paste it into your email, instant massage, and so on. You can also use the provided buttons to post your app to your Facebook, Twitter, or Google accounts, or in an email.
  3. Optionally click Link Options to easily define URL parameters included in the short link. See Use URL parameters.
    1. Check the radio button or check box to add a URL parameter from the following options. You can preview the URL change in the Link preview box.
      • Current map extent—This is used by default.
      • Click the map to define the center of the map with zoom level—A point icon shows under the option when it is checked. Click the icon and click where you want the map to center in the app. A point marker will be added on the map and the URL in the link preview will be updated accordingly based on the map zoom level.
      • Click the map to define the center of the map with map scale—A point icon shows under the option when it is checked. Click the icon and click where you want the map to center in the app. A point marker will be added on the map and the URL in the link preview will be updated accordingly based on the map scale.
      • Find the location or feature and zoom to it—Input a location in the box, such as Redlands, ca, 92373, or a feature in a searchable layer.
      • Query a feature and zoom to it—Choose a layer, a field and a value from the drop-down menus to query a feature and zoom to it.
      • Add a marker on the map—Click the point icon and click where you want to add a marker in the map. Fill in the WKID, Pop-up title, Symbol, and Label properties in each text box.
      • Overwrite default screen size of mobile layout—Input the screen size in pixels. By default, when either the height or width of a screen display is less than 600 pixels, the mobile layout automatically applies.
      • Set display language of the app—Choose a language from the drop-down menu.
      • Authenticate a user automatically—Input a token. By default, your log in credentials display in the text box when the option is checked.
    2. Click -> to return to the main panel. The short link should be updated to reflect the URL change made in the step above.
  4. Under Embed this app in a website, copy the HTML code and paste it into your website. If you want, click Embed Options to choose the size of your app to be embedded.