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Apps and functionality that require ArcGIS Data Store

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ArcGIS Enterprise deployments and certain other functionality in ArcGIS depends on the use of ArcGIS Data Store. This topic lists functionality and apps that require you to use ArcGIS Data Store in your Enterprise deployment.


The following table lists the functionality in ArcGIS Enterprise you get with each type of ArcGIS Data Store.

FunctionalityData store types required

Configure a hosting server for ArcGIS Enterprise to allow portal members to publish hosted feature layers or add files to Map Viewer.

Relational data store

Publish scene layers to your portal from ArcGIS Pro or a scene layer package.

Tile cache data store

If you publish from ArcGIS Pro, an associated feature layer is created with the scene layer. If the associated feature layer does not reference a registered data source, the data for the associated feature layer is copied to the relational data store.

Archive observation data streamed when using ArcGIS GeoEvent Server.

See GeoEvent tutorials in the GeoEvent Server help for information on using ArcGIS GeoEvent Server.

Spatiotemporal big data store

Use GeoAnalytics Tools in Map Viewer or ArcGIS Pro. (GeoAnalytics Tools create hosted feature layers as output, and the data is stored in the spatiotemporal big data store. The portal must be configured with an ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server.)

Spatiotemporal big data store and relational data store

Use raster analysis tools in Map Viewer or ArcGIS Pro. Raster analysis tools require the portal to be configured for raster analysis.

Raster analysis tools use the tile cache data store to temporarily store data generated during analysis. A subset of raster analysis tools create hosted feature layers, and the data for those layers is stored in the relational data store.

Tile cache data store and relational data store

Use location tracking with the portal.

Spatiotemporal big data store


The following Esri apps rely on the relational data store when you use the apps with an ArcGIS Enterprise portal:

If you use the Survey123 for ArcGIS Web Designer to create a survey that includes layers from an ArcGIS Enterprise portal, the survey will use hosted feature layers and, therefore, relies on the relational data store.

Considerations when you need more than one type of data store

If you require more than one type of data store, Esri recommends that you configure them on separate machines. Relational and spatiotemporal big data stores each require a large percentage of a machine's memory to process data queries. Depending on the quantity and size of the data you store, each data store could consume large amounts of disk space and memory. When you put more than one type of data store on the same machine, they compete for these storage and memory resources, which can negatively affect the performance of your ArcGIS Enterprise deployment.