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Create a site

This ArcGIS 10.7 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

What is a site?

A site shares content including, datasets, web maps, Story Maps, videos, and more. You can use sites in many ways. For example, you can share project updates to relevant teams or public data with the community.

Each site you create includes a Site Editor. Within the Site Editor, you can do the following:

  • Design the layout of your site using drag-and-drop cards.
  • Choose colors to theme your site's header, links, and button text.
  • Configure site capabilities and settings.
  • Add pages.
  • Change the visibility of your site.

When you create a site, an item is added to your Portal for ArcGIS. Your site and this item are linked.

Sites are automatically shared with the Team. Anyone who has been added to the team can access and edit the site.

The site you create and this item are linked. Do not delete this item. If you do, your site will be deleted. Your site is also automatically shared with the Team. People who have been added to the team can collaborate with you by editing this site.

Who does this?

Portal administrators and those who have been added to the Sites Team can create and manage sites.

Before getting started

Creating a site requires at least one group. Groups can organize data and other content by topic or task. A useful practice is to categorize the content you want to share on your site by groups and provide meaningful tags. This is useful for displaying your content using the gallery and dataset cards. For more information, read documentation on groups and tags.

For example, an organization organizes their GIS data into groups based on categories, such as Hydrology, Boundaries, Education, Health, etc.For example, an organization organizes their GIS data into groups based on categories, such as Hydrology, Boundaries, Education, Health, etc.


Each new site has a default layout which provides some examples on how you can display your content.

Get started

Follow these steps to create a site. Sites can be reconfigured at anytime by choosing Settings in the Site Editor.

  1. Sign in to the administrative application.
  2. On the Sites tab, choose Create New Site. The first part of creating your site is Configuration.
  3. Provide Basic Information about your site.
    • Site Name- Enter a name for your site. This name appears in the browser tab. It can be changed at anytime.
    • Domains- Enter a URL (web address) for your site.
    • Set Extent- Select Draw Extent to place a box around the area you want to focus on, or select Map Navigation to pan and zoom to a desired location.
    • Basemap- A basemap is used for displaying all spatial data on your site. The default basemap is gray and uses the Web Mercator projection, but you can choose a custom basemap by clicking the Choose Basemap dropdown menu.
  4. Once you've provided the required Basic Information, click Save. You'll automatically move to the Groups Manager tab where you can choose which data you want to share on your site.
  5. Click Add to select the groups you want to add to your site. Groups organize data, documents, and other content by topic or task. Learn more about creating and managing groups.
  6. Click Next to open the Site Editor.