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Share items

This ArcGIS 10.7 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

By default, content you add to the portal or publish to the portal is only accessible to you. Your maps, apps, and data are not available to others—for example, they do not appear in search results and aren't part of any group. Depending on your sharing privileges, you can share it with others. You have several options for sharing your items:

  • Everyone—Sharing with everyone makes your item public; anybody who has access to the portal website can find and use it, and group owners can include it in their group content.
  • Your portal—To ensure only members of your portal have access to an item, you can share it with just your portal.
  • Groups—If you are a member of a group, you can share your item with that group. Sharing with specific groups restricts access to a smaller, more focused set of people.
  • Everyone and a group—If you want to share thematic content with a subset of users or organize your content into a collection of items, but you also want everyone to have access to your item, you can share an item with a group and with everyone. This is especially appropriate for focused group work where all members benefit from seeing a list of specific content they can use for collaboration and exchange. For example, as a fire agency that produces burn maps, you want the general public to find and view the maps, but you also want members in the fire agency group to use the maps as templates for creating their own local versions.
  • Groups and your portal or everyone—You can share an item with a larger audience (everyone or your portal) and also share it with a specific group. This allows you to categorize your item as especially relevant to a particular group while still making it available to others in your organization.

You can also share public items you don't own through links and email. If you are a group owner, you can share public items to your group. The following sections explain how to share your items.

Share your items with the portal

Share your items with the portal if you want all members of your portal organization to have access to it, but you do not want people who are not members of your portal to have access to it.

  1. Verify that you are signed in and have privileges to share content with the portal.
  2. Open Content > My Content.
  3. Check the check box next to the title of the item you want to share.

    You can share multiple items simultaneously by checking multiple titles, or you can share all the items in a folder simultaneously by checking the box next to Title.

  4. Click the Share button.
  5. In the Share window that appears, check the box next to the name of your portal and click OK.

Share items with a group

If you have the correct privileges, you can keep your item semiprivate by sharing it only with a group or groups you belong to. When you share an item with a group, you allow other members of the group to access the item. In addition to sharing your own items, you can share items owned by members of your organization that have been shared with your organization or the public.

Groups created with the item update capability enabled allow all members of the group to update the items shared to the group. Updates include changing the item details or updating the content. However, only the owner of the item or a portal administrator can perform the following actions on the item (not all actions apply to all item types): delete, share, move, change owner, change delete protection, publish, register an app, overwrite data in hosted feature layers, and manage tiles in hosted tile layers.


At this time, the item update capability is intended for use with item details and the contents of maps, configurable apps, and scenes. Currently, most ArcGIS apps do not support the item update capability. To determine whether this capability is supported in a specific ArcGIS app, refer to the app documentation.


A common sharing scenario is giving a team of editors the ability to edit a publicly visible hosted feature layer without enabling editing on the layer for everyone. Because ArcGIS Enterprise portals support feature layer views, the recommended way to manage hosted feature layer permissions in scenarios like this is to create a feature layer view from the hosted feature layer. In this way, you can share a read-only view with your organization, and only share the editable hosted feature layer with a group of editors.

Allowing other members of a group to update your shared item is useful in many scenarios. For instance, this capability makes it easy for a team of shift workers to share responsibility for updating a critical web map—adding or removing layers, changing symbols, updating the map's description, and so on. Another common scenario is giving a team of editors the ability to edit a publicly visible hosted feature layer without enabling editing on the layer for everyone.


To edit a hosted feature layer, open the layer's item page and choose Open > Add layer to new map with full editing control.

  1. Verify that you are signed in and have privileges to share content with groups.
  2. Open Content > My Content.
  3. Check the check box next to the title of the item you want to share.

    You can share multiple items simultaneously by checking multiple titles, or you can share all the items in a folder simultaneously by checking the box next to Title.

  4. Click Share.

    If you are a member of one or more groups with the item update capability enabled, you will see both the Access and Access and update capabilities options. If not, you will only see the Access option.

    • Click Access to see a list of groups that don't have the item update capability enabled. If you choose this option, other group members will be able to access your shared item.
    • If available, click Access and update capabilities to see a list of groups with the item update capability enabled. If you choose this option, group members will be able to update your shared item.
  5. In the pop-up that appears, check the box next to the group or groups you want to share the item with.

    If you chose Access in the previous step, only groups created without the item update capability are listed. If you chose Access and update capabilities in the previous step, only groups created with the item update capability are listed.

Share items with everyone

Sharing an item with everyone makes it available to anybody who has access to the portal website. Items shared with the portal or the public can also be added to any group by that group's owner or manager. If you want to link or embed your map in a website, be sure it's shared with everyone.

  1. Verify that you are signed in and have privileges to share content with the public.
  2. Open Content > My Content.
  3. Check the check box next to the title of the item you want to share.

    You can share multiple items simultaneously by checking multiple titles, or you can share all the items in a folder simultaneously by checking the box next to Title.

  4. Click Share and in the pop-up that appears, check Everyone (public).

Share your items with your portal and a group

Share your item with your portal and a group if you want only members of your organization to have access to it, but you also want to highlight the content for a specific group. For example, as a risk management analyst for an insurance company, you need to share certain items you create with all members of your organization but cannot allow nonmembers to have access to them. You might also want to share the items with a group comprised of the other risk management analysts to make the items easier for them to find.

Share public items

You can share public items you own as well as other people's public items you've discovered on the website. For example, you can share a public map by sending an email with a link or embedding the item in a website or blog. You can also share basemaps, apps, and other items that have been shared with the public or the portal with groups you own.