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Troubleshoot ArcGIS Data Store

This ArcGIS 10.8 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

Listed here are issues you may encounter when setting up or using ArcGIS Data Store. The links take you to possible solutions to each issue.

ArcGIS Data Store configuration

ArcGIS Data Store upgrade

Backup and restore


ArcGIS Data Store configuration

The Data Store Configuration wizard doesn't load when I open it in Microsoft Internet Explorer on a remote machine.

This happens if Internet Explorer opens in the wrong compatibility mode. To correct this, disable Display intranet sites in Compatibility View in the browser's compatibility view settings. When you refresh your browser, the Data Store Configuration wizard will load.

I receive the message Could not connect to server on machine. ArcGIS Data Store or GIS Server on that machine may not be running or the machine is not reachable at this time.

ArcGIS Data Store cannot connect to the GIS Server site using the URL provided. Check the following and try again:

  • Make sure the URL is correct. The URL must be in the format
  • Confirm the GIS Server site is running.

I receive the message Could not configure data store machine. ArcGIS Data Store and ArcGIS Server must be the same release version.

ArcGIS Server and ArcGIS Data Store must be at the same release. Either upgrade your GIS Server site to the same release as ArcGIS Data Store, or install and configure a version of ArcGIS Data Store that matches your GIS Server site.

I receive the message There is already a standby configured in the data store ('<primary data store machine name>'). A data store cannot have more than one standby machine.

Only two machines are allowed to participate in a relational data store: one primary and one standby machine. If you want to add a new standby machine, you must first remove the existing standby machine.

I receive the message Unable to create directory.

Possible reasons you would see this message include the following:

  • The content directory you specified is already in use.

    If you specify an existing directory, the directory cannot contain any files.

  • You don't have privileges to create a directory in the specified location. Confirm that you have sufficient privileges.
  • You specified a directory on a remote machine. The ArcGIS Data Store content directory cannot be stored on a machine that is remote from the ArcGIS Data Store installation.

When configuring a relational data store, I receive the message Failed to start relational data store database.

This message indicates the PostgreSQL database needed for the relational data store could not be created. There are many reasons for this; however, the most common is that the Data Store Configuration wizard or configuredatastore utility could not connect to PostgreSQL to create the database. Either the ArcGIS Data Store account does not have sufficient permissions on the ArcGIS Data Store content directory, or the PostgreSQL service (Windows) or process (Linux) could not start due to security settings on the machine. Confirm that PostgreSQL is running. If it is not, check if domain policies, firewall settings, or antivirus software settings prevented it from starting. If the PostgreSQL is running, confirm that the ArcGIS Data Store account has full control (read, write, and execute permissions) on the content directory.

Configuring a tile cache data store on a Windows machine fails with the message Attempt to configure data store failed.. Extended error message: Failed to configure tile cache data store. Extended error message: Internal Server Error.

If you installed ArcGIS Data Store to a location other than C:\Program Files\arcgis\datastore, be sure the installation path does not contain spaces. See technical article 000015832 for more information.

Configuring a relational data store on a Windows machine fails with the message ERROR: You must copy the latest ST_GEOMETRY library to the PostgreSQL software location.

You likely do not have the correct version of the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio installed on the machine where you installed ArcGIS Data Store. Check the ArcGIS Data Store system requirements to determine what version of the redistributable is required for the ArcGIS Data Store version you are using.

When adding a machine to a tile cache data store, I receive the message None of the registered tile cache data store machines are available. Ensure that at least one of the existing machines is online and accessible in order to add the new machine to this data store.

At least one machine in the data store must be active and accessible to add another machine. Run the describedatastore utility to check the status of the tile cache data store.

ArcGIS Data Store upgrade

If my ArcGIS Data Store fails or I discover that, after testing my upgraded deployment, I have to revert to the previous software version, how do I restore my data stores to the previous ArcGIS Data Store version?

How you restore your data stores to a previous ArcGIS Data Store version varies slightly depending on the software version and the type of data store.

  1. Uninstall ArcGIS Data Store from every machine.
  2. Install the ArcGIS Data Store version to which you want to revert onto all machines. Do not proceed with configuration.
  3. Restore each type of data store.
  • To revert to ArcGIS Data Store 10.5 or a later release, restore each data store using the restoredatastore utility and the backup file you created before upgrading.
  • To revert to a 10.4.1 or earlier release tile cache data store, use the importmanagedb utility and the export file you created before upgrading to replace your tile cache data.
  • To revert a spatiotemporal big data store to 10.4 or 10.4.1, follow these steps:
    1. Stop the ArcGIS Data Store service on every machine.
    2. Replace the content directory on each machine with the backup copies you created of the directories before upgrading. The default location of the ArcGIS Data Store content directory is C:\arcgisdatastore.
    3. Open the arcgis-data-store-config file in a text editor, remove the comment mark (#) from, and be sure is set to the location of your content directory. The arcgis-data-store-config file is located in the etc directory of the ArcGIS Data Store installation directory. By default, that location is C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\DataStore.
    4. Save and close the arcgis-data-store-config file.
    5. Restart the ArcGIS Data Store service.

When I upgrade ArcGIS Data Store, I receive the following message from the ArcGIS Data Store installer: ArcGIS Data Store does not have access to the following directories '<content directory>, <backup directory>'. Please check if '<domain\account>' has proper permissions to those directories.

The ArcGIS Data Store 10.3 and 10.3.1 account used the Microsoft Windows LocalSystem account. With ArcGIS Data Store 10.4 and newer releases, you must specify a Windows account to use as the ArcGIS Data Store account. After upgrading, this new account must be granted full control of the ArcGIS Data Store content directory and read and write permissions on the shared backup and staging directories.

You will see this same message any time you specify a different ArcGIS Data Store account when upgrading.

Backup and restore

The directory that contains my backups is consuming a lot of storage space.

The size of each data store backup varies depending on the amount and size of your data, how frequently ArcGIS Data Store creates backups, and how long you retain backup files.

For relational data stores, you can schedule how frequently backups are created and how long they are retained. If you use the default backup frequency and retention schedule, a backup directory will contain five full backups and 31 days of incremental backup files. If you find the backup directory uses a large amount of storage, either increase the disk space on the machine or alter the ArcGIS Data Store backup frequency and retention schedules.

If you configure a backup location for tile cache and spatiotemporal big data stores, you can also schedule how frequently backups are created. However, you are responsible for cleaning up tile cache and spatiotemporal big data store backup files when they are no longer needed.

When running the deletebackup utility, I receive the error message: Attempt to delete backup 'backup_oneFS' is not allowed. You can only delete a manual backup that is not required for a future restore.

This message is returned when you attempt to delete a backup file that is required to properly restore the relational data store. If the backup file was created during the backup retention period you have set for your data store, you cannot delete that backup.

I see the message Failed to restore one or more databases. Please try restore again. when restoring a multimachine tile cache data store, and some machines do not restore.

Often, this message is returned because not all required ports are open in the firewall to allow tile cache data store machines to communicate with one another. See the list of required ports for specific port numbers, open those ports for all the tile cache data store machines, and restore the tile cache data store again.


I receive the message Error: AGSDATASTORE variable is not set when I run an ArcGIS Data Store utility.

The ArcGIS Data Store setup executable and Data Store Configuration wizard set the AGSDATASTORE variable to the directory where it installs ArcGIS Data Store. If you run the configuredatastore utility from the same command prompt in which you ran the setup executable, that command prompt session predates the existence of the variable and, therefore, will not recognize that the variable is set. Similarly, if you opened a command prompt before running the Data Store Configuration wizard, then tried to run any utility in the command prompt, you will receive this message because the command prompt session predates the existence of the variable. To solve this problem, open a new command prompt and run the utility.

I receive the error message Could not connect to server on machine '<fully qualified machine name>'. ArcGIS Data Store or GIS Server on that machine may not be running or the machine is not reachable at this time.

You could receive this message under a variety of circumstances but, in all cases, an attempt to connect to either the ArcGIS Data Store or its registered GIS Server site failed. Be sure both are available for connections. Also be sure the client from which you are trying to connect has network connectivity.

When validating a spatiotemporal big data store in the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory, I receive the message Server Machine returned an error. None of the configured nodes are available.

You will see this message if you configured the spatiotemporal big data store with an ArcGIS Server site, used the remove function in the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory to remove the machine from the site, and subsequently tried to register the same spatiotemporal big data store with the same or a different ArcGIS Server site.

The remove function is used for removing standby relational data stores and should not be used to unregister a spatiotemporal big data store. Use the unregisterdatastore utility to unregister the spatiotemporal big data store from the ArcGIS Server site with which it was originally registered. This will cleanly unregister the spatiotemporal big data store from the site, and you can proceed with registering with the GIS Server used as the portal's hosting server.

When validating a tile cache data store in the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory, I receive the message Some or all of the scene layer data in your tile cache data store is not highly available. To resolve this, first create a tile cache backup and then restore that backup with the option "--replicatedata" set to true.

You will see this message if you remove one of the machines in your multimachine tile cache data store and then validate the data store. Follow the instructions in Add a machine to your data store to return the tile cache data store to a highly available state.

I see the following warning message in the data store log file: Scene layer data in your tile cache data store is not highly available. Consider adding at least two more nodes to this data store to avoid data loss in the event a machine goes down. After you add more machines, create a tile cache backup and then restore that backup with the option "--replicatedata" set to true.

You will see this message if your tile cache data store contains only one machine. If you do not require high availability for scene layers, you can ignore this warning.

I receive the message Failed to create the service: Underlying DBMS error [ERROR: cannot execute CREATE TABLE in a read-only transaction...] when I publish hosted feature layers to my portal, and I see the message Available disk space for the relational data store is less than 1024 MB. The relational data store will be placed in READONLY mode. Once you increase the amount of disk space on the drive, you can place the relational data store back in READWRITE mode. in the ArcGIS Data Store log file.

To prevent the loss of data, the primary relational data store is placed in read-only mode when the disk space of the machine on which it is running drops below a specific size. By default, that size is 1024 MB, but you may have changed this to a different size using the changedbproperties utility.

Once the primary relational data store machine is in read-only mode, you cannot publish hosted feature layers to the portal with which the relational data store is used. To take the relational data store out of read-only mode, add disk space to the primary data store machine, run the changedatastoremode utility to set the relational data store back to read-write mode, and run the updatebackupschedule utility to reestablish automatic backups for the relational data store.