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Manage collaborations as guest

This ArcGIS 10.9 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

Manage collaborations as a guest participant

Guest participants can view collaboration workspaces and other guest organizations; join, edit, or leave a workspace; and leave a collaboration. You can also choose to sync your content manually if necessary.

View collaboration participants

Each collaboration participant can view the list of other guest organizations by completing the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the organization as an administrator.
  2. Browse to Organization > Settings > Collaborations.
  3. Click the name of the collaboration whose participants you want to view.
  4. Click View Guests.

On the collaboration Guests page, guest participants can see a list of other collaboration participants and their status for the collaboration.

View a collaboration workspace

A collaboration can have multiple workspaces. You can view the workspaces in your collaboration using the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your organization as an administrator.
  2. Browse to Organization > Settings > Collaborations.
  3. Click the name of the collaboration whose workspaces you want to view.

    On the Workspaces page, you will see a list of workspaces in the collaboration and your group associated with the workspace, access mode, and status.


    Scheduled times are displayed in the time zone for the client and are converted to coordinated universal time (UTC) on the server running the portal.

  4. To see details for a specific collaboration workspace, click the name of the workspace.

    You will see a list of guest organizations with access to the workspace, as well as their access modes and status.

Edit a collaboration workspace

You can edit the group associated with a collaboration workspace and the sync settings for a workspace, as well as edit the Name and Description options of the workspace using the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your organization as an administrator.
  2. Browse to Organization > Settings > Collaborations.
  3. Click the name of the collaboration whose workspaces you want to view.
  4. Locate the name of the collaboration workspace you want to edit in the table, click the Action button drop-down arrow, and choose Edit Workspace.
  5. Optionally create a new group or choose a different existing group to link to the workspace. Optionally edit the sync settings for the workspace. Choose the Sync immediately or Sync at scheduled intervals option.
  6. If you choose Sync at scheduled intervals, define the start time for the scheduled sync, as well as when to repeat the sync.
    Scheduled times are displayed in the client's local time zone and are automatically converted to coordinated universal time (UTC) for the client portal's hosted server. For more information, see Synchronizing workspaces using a scheduled interval.
  7. Choose how hosted feature layers will be sent to the collaboration workspace:
    • As references—Collaboration participants will receive live access to feature layers in the designated workspace. Collaboration participants must have access to view feature layers from their origin.
    • As copies—Collaboration participants will receive feature layer updates at a scheduled interval. When choosing this option, do the following:
      • A sync interval must be set within the collaboration workspace.
      • Sync must be enabled on each participating item in the collaboration.
    • Allow two-way sharing of feature service edits to eligible participants—Introduced at 10.9, the owner and recipient of a feature layer can make and share edits between them. In previous versions, data edits in feature layers could only be shared from the owner to the recipient. By default, this is not enabled. This option is only available if Copies is selected under Feature layers and views in my portal are sent as when establishing the workspace sync settings. Once enabled on a workspace, this option cannot be disabled. To be eligible for the two-way sharing of edits, all ArcGIS Enterprise collaboration participants must be using a version of Enterprise that is 10.9 or later, with the collaboration workspace also having been created using a version of 10.9 or later, and guests must have Send and Receive access to the collaboration workspace. Eligible feature services must be configured to use the ArcGIS Pro service runtime and support replica tracking and bidirectional sync.
    • If unable to share as copies, share as reference—Introduced at 10.9 for collaboration guests. This option is available if Copies is selected under Feature layers and views in my portal are sent as when establishing the workspace sync settings. If errors occur while sharing feature layers as copies, affected layers will be shared as references instead. By default, this will be enabled. Your selection can be updated by editing your workspace.

    A copy of participating feature layers will be initially extracted and published as items to each participant with receive access. Once these items have been created, features are updated based on the established sync interval.

  8. Click Save.

Edit a collaboration

Edit your collaboration to change the content deletion policy when removing a workspace or collaboration.

  1. Sign in to your organization as an administrator.
  2. Browse to Organization > Settings > Collaborations.
  3. Locate the name of the collaboration workspace you want to edit in the table, click the Action button drop-down arrow, and choose Edit Collaboration.
  4. On the Edit Collaboration dialog box, specify what will happen to collaboration content when leaving a collaboration or workspace. Items sent from your organization to the collaboration can either be:
    • Removed from all participants upon deletion of a workspace or collaboration.
    • Retained for all participants. When selecting this option, you can keep the collaborated items, as long as the sending participant permits. This is the default configuration.
  5. Specify what will happen to collaboration items received in your organization when a collaboration or any of its workspaces are deleted. Items can either be:
    • Removed from your organization upon deletion of a workspace or collaboration.
    • Retained for all participants. When selecting this option, you can keep the collaborated items, as long as the sending participant permits. This is the default configuration.

    Note: The content deletion policy is configured at the collaboration level and is applied to all the associated collaboration workspaces.

  6. Click Save.

Join a group to a collaboration workspace

You can join a group to a collaboration workspace, if you haven't already, using the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your organization as an administrator.
  2. Browse to Organization > Settings > Collaborations.
  3. Click the name of the collaboration whose workspace you want to join.
  4. Locate the name of the collaboration workspace you want to join a group to in the table, click the Action button drop-down arrow, and choose Join Workspace.
  5. Choose the group that will be associated with the workspace. This can be an existing group, or you can create a group for this purpose. A group can only be associated with one collaboration workspace.
    • If you create a group for the collaboration workspace, it will be a private group where all group members can contribute content to the group. You can change the status and contribution settings after the group has been created, if necessary. See Create Groups for more information about these settings. When you a create a group for a collaboration workspace, you must specify tags for the group to proceed.
    • If you choose to link an existing group, the drop-down menu will show a list of all the groups in the portal, including private groups, with the exception of groups that have the update access capability enabled.
  6. Choose how hosted feature layers will be sent to the collaboration workspace from the following options:
    • As references: Collaboration participants will receive live access to feature layers in the designated workspace. Collaboration participants must have access to view feature layers from the originating portal.
    • As copies: Collaboration participants will receive feature layer updates at a scheduled interval.

      After configuring a collaboration workspace to share feature layers as copies, this setting cannot be changed.

    When choosing to send copies of hosted feature layer data:

    • A sync interval must be set within the collaboration workspace
    • Sync must be enabled on each participating item in the collaboration.

    A copy of participating feature layers will be initially extracted and published as items to each participating portal with receive access. Once these items have been created, features are updated based on the established sync interval.

  7. Click Join Workspace.
  8. By default, when a host portal or guest portal joins a group to a collaboration workspace, the sync configuration will be set to sync immediately. You can change this by editing the workspace. Collaboration participants will receive a notification that the guest portal has joined a group to the collaboration workspace.

Edit the guest organization contact person

You can edit the details of your contact person for the collaboration using the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your organization as an administrator.
  2. Browse to Organization > Settings > Collaborations.
  3. Click the name of the collaboration whose contact person you want to edit.
  4. Click View Guests.
  5. Click the name of your portal in the list of guest portals and click Edit Contact Person.
  6. Edit the Full name of the contact person and Email address of the contact person options and click Save.

Edit a collaboration's web tier or PKI authentication information

At 10.8.1, you can add, update, or delete either web tier or PKI authentication information for a collaboration using the following steps:


This functionality is only available for ArcGIS Enterprise to ArcGIS Enterprise collaborations.

  1. Sign in to your organization as a member with administrative privileges to manage collaborations.
  2. Browse to Organization > Settings > Collaborations.
  3. Select a collaboration from the Collaborations page.
  4. Locate the Requires Web Tier Authentication property on the Collaboration summary page. By default, this is set to No. Click Edit.
  5. In the Set web tier authentication window, select Yes to edit either the collaboration's web tier or PKI authentication information:
    • Web tier authentication—Fill in the Host Organization Web Authentication Username and Host Organization Web Authentication Password fields with the host organization's user name and password.
    • PKI authentication—Upload a PKCS12 format PKI certificate to Host Organization Web Authentication Certificate and enter the certificate's password in the Host Organization Web Authentication Certificate Password text box.
  6. Click Save.
  7. In the Notice window, click OK.

The authentication form and information can be updated at any time using the steps above. To permanently delete the authentication type and information, set the Requires Web Tier Authentication property on the Collaboration summary page to No.


This information can be set initially when accepting an invitation or when importing a response. For more information, see Join a collaboration and Create a collaboration.

Add Viewer credentials to a workspace

Starting at 10.8.1, Viewer credentials can be added by the sender to a workspace to allow recipients to access services shared as reference without requiring credentials from the originating portal. Credentials added to the workspace must be a built-in member with a Viewer role and the member must have access to the group joined to the collaboration workspace. At the next scheduled workspace synchronization, the credential will be synchronized to all participants with receive or send and receive workspace access. Services received by participants will be updated to use the sending participants Viewer role credential allowing access to the service without the need to enter a user name and password.


This functionality is only available for ArcGIS Enterprise to ArcGIS Enterprise collaborations.

  1. Sign in to your organization as a member with administrative privileges to manage collaborations.
  2. Browse to Organization > Settings > Collaborations.
  3. On the Collaborations page, select the collaboration that has the workspace to which you want to add the credentials.
  4. On the Collaboration summary page, select the appropriate workspace.
  5. Locate the Allow participants to view services without signing into this portal property on the Workspace summary page. By default, this is set to No. Click Edit.
  6. In the Set viewer credentials window, select Yes. Enter the user name and password for a built-in Viewer account and click Save.
  7. In the Notice window, click OK.

The Viewer account information can be updated at any time using the steps above. Changing Allow participants to view services without signing into this portal from Yes to No will delete all stored credentials.


Services shared before the credentials were set will be updated during the next scheduled synchronization.

Leave a collaboration workspace

You can leave a workspace in a collaboration by using the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your organization as an administrator.
  2. Browse to Organization > Settings > Collaborations.
  3. Click the name of the collaboration whose workspace you want to leave.
  4. Locate the name of the collaboration workspace you want to leave in the table, click the Action button drop-down arrow, and choose Leave Workspace.
  5. Once the Leave Workspace dialog box appears, click Leave Workspace.

    The Leave Workspace dialog box will display a summary of the content deletion policy and will indicate how sent and received content will be maintained within the collaboration. To change this policy, click Cancel and use the Edit Collaboration action.

Leave a collaboration

You can leave a collaboration by using the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your organization as an administrator.
  2. Browse to Organization > Settings > Collaborations.
  3. Click the name of the collaboration you want to leave, click the Action button drop-down arrow, and choose Leave Collaboration.
  4. Click Leave Collaboration.
  5. Once the Leave Collaboration dialog box appears, click Leave Collaboration.

    The Leave Collaboration dialog box will display a summary of the content deletion policy and will indicate how sent and received content will be maintained within the collaboration. To change this policy, click Cancel and use the Edit Collaboration action.

    The collaboration host's administrator will receive a notification that you have left the collaboration.

Content that members of your organization had shared with the collaboration will be removed from the participating collaboration workspaces at the next sync. The collaboration host's administrator will receive a notification that you have left the collaboration.

Synchronize a collaboration workspace on demand

You can synchronize a collaboration workspace on demand by completing the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your portal as an administrator.
  2. Browse to Organization > Settings > Collaborations.
  3. Click the name of the collaboration you want to synchronize.
  4. Locate the workspace that you want to synchronize. Click the Action button drop down arrow and choose Sync Workspace .

Any new and updated content will be sent and received according to your organization's access to this workspace. Synchronization results can be viewed on the collaboration summary page under Scheduled Syncs.

View synchronization status

You can view the synchronization status for your organization by completing the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your portal as an administrator.
  2. Browse to Organization > Settings > Collaborations.
  3. Click the name of the collaboration you want to view.
  4. Click the name of the collaboration workspace for which you want to view the synchronization status.
  5. On the collaboration workspace summary page, you can view the latest synchronization status for both scheduled and immediate syncs . The following are possible statuses:

    Scheduled Syncs:

    • Last Sync—displays the date and time for the most recently scheduled synchronization.
    • Status—displays the state of the last scheduled synchronization. The following are possible status states:
      • Succeeded—indicates that the synchronization off all items completed successfully.
      • Succeeded with Failures—displays in cases in which the synchronization completed but some items failed to be shared.
      • Failed—displays when the synchronization failed and no items were shared. Click the Failed link for additional details.
    • Last Complete Sync—displays the date and time of the last synchronization in which all items were shared successfully.

    • Next Sync—displays the date and time of the next scheduled synchronization. If the scheduled synchronization has been suspended, this value will show as paused.

    Immediate Syncs:

    • Last Sync—displays the date and time for the last immediate synchronization.
    • Status—displays the state of the last immediate synchronization. Possible status states are:
      • Succeeded—indicates that the synchronization off all items completed successfully.
      • Succeeded with Failures—displays in cases in which the synchronization completed but some items failed to be shared.
      • Failed—displays when the synchronization failed and no items were shared. Click the Failed link for additional details.

Scheduled times are displayed in the client's local time zone and automatically converted to coordinated universal time (UTC) for the portal's hosted server. For more information, see Synchronizing workspaces using a scheduled interval.

Pause and resume scheduled synchronization

You can suspend and restart a scheduled synchronization by completing the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your portal as an administrator.
  2. Browse to Organization > Settings > Collaborations.
  3. Click the name of the collaboration you want to update.
  4. Locate the collaboration workspace you want to update. Click the Action button drop-down arrow and choose Pause Sync.
  5. On the Pause Sync dialog box, click Pause Sync. Selecting this option will cause the scheduled synchronization of the collaboration workspace to be suspended. When the scheduled synchronization for a collaboration workspace is paused, the Sync Status report will display the Next Sync as Paused.
  6. To restart the scheduled synchronization, click the Action button drop-down arrow on the collaboration workspace and choose Resume Sync. The Sync Status report will now display the time of the next scheduled synchronization, and the scheduled synchronization will be restarted.