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Custom tools

This ArcGIS 10.9 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

Custom tools are geoprocessing workflows, such as models or scripts, that have been shared as a geoprocessing service to create a web tool. Custom tools can be added to supported apps, such as Map Viewer, and run from the Analysis pane.


You must have the following privileges to run analysis tools, including custom tools:

  • Create, update, and delete content
  • Publish hosted feature layers
  • Standard Feature Analysis

Add a custom tool to Map Viewer

When you share a geoprocessing workflow as a web tool, a Tool item is created in your portal. You can add a custom analysis tool to Map Viewer using the Browse button in the Analysis pane. The Browse button opens the Custom Analysis Tools window, where you can search for or navigate to your custom analysis tool and add it to your Analysis pane.

Run custom tools

Once you add a web tool to the analysis pane you can modify the parameters and run the tool. The inputs can be selected from a list of layers on your map, or you can browse your content to find the layers that you want to use in your analysis.

Result layers from custom tools are added to your map as feature collections or hosted feature layers. Feature collections only exist within the web map that they were created in, whereas hosted feature layers are published and saved as items in your portal. If you want to keep your result layer for sharing or future analysis, you should create the result as a feature layer. You can also publish your feature collection to create a feature layer.


You cannot rerun an analysis on feature collections.

Supported apps

The following apps can consume custom tools:

  • ArcGIS Enterprise Map Viewer (beginning with version 10.6)
  • ArcGIS Pro 1.4 and later
  • ArcGIS Web AppBuilder (beginning with version 10.5)
  • Custom web applications