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Supported data for spatial analysis tools

This ArcGIS 10.9 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

You have the following options when choosing a layer to analyze:

  • Choose a layer from your map.
  • Use Choose Analysis Layer to view and select any layer in the portal to which you have access, including feature layers from your content or shared with you, or ArcGIS Living Atlas Analysis Layers.


Some tools only work on certain kinds of feature types; for example, Aggregate Points requires an input layer containing point features.

Some complex datasets from ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World are not supported for Enrich Layer. An equivalent ArcGIS Living Atlas Analysis Layer should be used instead of a complex layer.

Use an asterisk (*) as a wild card when searching for content in the Choose Analysis Layer window. For example, if you are looking for layers with Australia in their title, search for Aus*.

You can perform analysis on the following types of layers and data:

  • Feature service

    The portal must be able to access the feature service; therefore, the URL to the service must either be publicly accessible or within the same network as the portal and hosting server you use to run the analysis. You cannot perform analysis on layers based on nonaccessible feature services.

    ArcGIS Server feature services you add to your portal must contain fewer than 100,000 features to be used in analysis. As the complexity of the features in the service increases, the number of features you can analyze decreases. For example, if the service contains polygon features that have thousands of vertices each, you may only be able to analyze a few hundred features. If the number or complexity of features exceeds what the tool can support, you receive an error message.

  • Map service

    As with feature services, the map service must be publicly accessible or within the same network as the analyzing portal and hosting server.

  • Hosted feature layers
  • Hosted WFS layers
  • Hosted tile layers

    The layer must have the query capability enabled.

  • Comma-separated values (CSV) file (.csv)
  • KML layers

    For KML layers, you must access the analysis tools using the Perform Analysis button under the layer. The Perform Analysis button is available for feature layers in the KML file.

    Access the analysis tools using the button under the layer
  • GPS exchange format file (.gpx)
  • Shapefile (.zip)
  • GeoRSS web feed
  • Map notes
  • Route layers
  • WFS layers
  • Table layers


You cannot perform analysis on layers outside of your organization that use web-tier authentication.