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Restore ArcGIS Enterprise

ArcGIS 11.4 (Windows)  | |  Help archive

If part of your ArcGIS Enterprise organization fails, you can restore it using the Web GIS Disaster Recovery (WebGISDR) tool and a backup file you previously exported. You need to be aware of the following when restoring ArcGIS Enterprise:

  • Any items or services created since the last export will be lost.
  • Map and tile service caches, referenced data sources for web services, spatiotemporal big data store backup files, and graph store backup files are not included in the backup you created using the WebGISDR tool; therefore, those must be restored separately.
  • The ArcGIS Enterprise organization to which you restore must be at the same version it was when you created the backup. Additionally, you must restore to the same type of operating system. For example, you cannot create a backup of an organization on Linux and restore it to Microsoft Windows machines.
  • When you restore a highly available ArcGIS Enterprise organization, the WebGISDR tool maintains high-availability settings for all components.
  • If you created incremental backups of your ArcGIS Enterprise organization, you must have the last incremental and the last full backup created before that incremental backup to restore your organization.
  • The domain account that runs the WebGISDR tool must have at least read access to the BACKUP_LOCATION and write access to the SHARED_LOCATION.
  • The domain account that runs ArcGIS Server, Portal for ArcGIS, and ArcGIS Data Store must have read access to the SHARED_LOCATION.

It is recommended that you review Best practices for restoring your organization before restoring.

Data dependencies when restoring

The restore process for ArcGIS Server honors the host names of existing ArcGIS Data Store items, meaning the data will be restored to the instances currently registered with the hosting server in the target environment. All other data store items, such as databases and folders, are restored as they existed in the source environment. Ensure that paths to data store items are accessible in the target environment:

  • Database data store items—Depending on the provider, there are various ways to ensure that the instance or host name of a relational database is resolved—such as CNAME aliases, tnsnames.ora files, or \etc\hosts entries. Refer to your database provider or database administrator for more information.
  • Folder data store items—Data in a network or local path can be resolved using symbolic links or by mounting the paths to drives as necessary based on the paths used by the published service.

Restore your organization

Follow these steps to restore your ArcGIS Enterprise organization to the same machines from which you created the backup file:


Your organization can also be restored to machines in a standby ArcGIS Enterprise that uses the same ArcGIS Web Adaptor or load balancer URL and ArcGIS Server sites that have the same services URL as your primary organization.

  1. If you need to make changes to the properties file you created for the ArcGIS Enterprise export, make a copy of the file for the import operation and update the desired properties. The properties file you created for the export operation can be referenced in the following steps if you don't need to change any settings.

    You may want to provide different portal administrator credentials, change the backup file location, or specify a backup file. By default, the WebGISDR tool restores the most recent backup file. To restore an earlier file than the most recent backup, you need to update the BACKUP_LOCATION path in the properties file.

    For example, to restore backup file Sep-08-2015_17-10-44.webgissite from C:\temp, set BACKUP_LOCATION = C:\temp\Sep-08-2015_17-10-44.webgissite.

    For example WebGISDR tool properties files, see the Sample properties files section below.

  2. Open a command window on the Portal for ArcGIS machine, change directories to the location of the WebGISDR tool, and run the tool with the import option. See Runtime arguments for more information.

    The default location of the WebGISDR tool is C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Portal\tools\webgisdr.

    In the following example, the properties file ( was saved in the user-created folder C:\propfiles.

    webgisdr --import --file C:\propfiles\

    Note that the properties file does not have to be in the same folder you saved it in when created. If you do move it, specify the new folder location with the --file parameter.


    If the tool appears to stall while running, ensure the command prompt is not in QuickEdit mode. See Common problems and solutions for more information.

  3. If your organization includes map service or hosted tile layer caches, manually move the backup copies you made, and place the files in the original arcgiscache directory.
  4. If your organization includes a spatiotemporal big data store or graph store, use the ArcGIS Data Store restoredatastore tool to restore a backup of it.
  5. If you had file-based data stored on the same machine as one of your ArcGIS Enterprise components, and that machine failed, restore your backup copies to the same path on the new machine.

    For example, if you had a folder containing file geodatabases and shapefiles on one of your ArcGIS GIS Server site's machines, and that machine failed, place the backup copy of that folder in the same directory path on the new machine. This is necessary because you registered the file location with the ArcGIS Server site. If the data location changes, the services will not be able to find the data.

  6. If your organization includes ArcGIS Mission Server or ArcGIS Notebook Server sites, restore the sites by following the instructions in the ArcGIS Mission Server documentation and the ArcGIS Notebook Server documentation.
  7. If your organization includes ArcGIS GeoEvent Server, import the configuration to the federated site.

Sample properties files

Review the following sample WebGISDR tool properties files used when restoring an ArcGIS Enterprise organization:

  • In this example, the WebGISDR tool will connect to the portal at URL and restore the latest backup stored in \\mybuserver\wgbackups\entbackup. The WebGISDR tool will extract the component backups to \myserver\tempbackups and restore the ArcGIS Data Store, all federated servers and the hosting server, and the portal using their respective backups. Ensure that all components have at least read access to the path specified by the SHARED_LOCATION property.

    SHARED_LOCATION = \\\\myserver\\tempbackups
    BACKUP_LOCATION = \\\\mybuserver\\wgbackups\\entbackup
  • In this example, the WebGISDR tool will connect to the portal at URL and restore the fullbackup06June backup specified by the S3_BACKUP_NAME property from the entbackups bucket. The backup will be downloaded to \\fileserver\backups, and the following components will be restored in sequence using their respective backups: the ArcGIS Data Store, all federated servers and the hosting server, and the portal. The WebGISDR tool will use the IAMRole configured with the instance it's running on to download the backup, but it can also be configured to use access keys instead. Ensure that all components have at least read access to the path specified by the SHARED_LOCATION property. The portal content will be restored from the contentbackups bucket. If the backup bucket is in a different region than the target portal, ensure that there is no VPC endpoint configured, which prevents the portal from making outbound requests to restore the content.

    SHARED_LOCATION = \\\\fileserver\\backups
    S3_BUCKET = entbackups
    S3_REGION = eu-west-1
    S3_BACKUP_NAME = fullbackup06June
    PORTAL_BACKUP_S3_BUCKET = contentbackups
    PORTAL_BACKUP_S3_REGION =eu-west-1
  • In this example, the WebGISDR tool will connect to the portal at URL and restore the latest backup from the drbackups container in the entbackups storage account. The backup will be downloaded to \\fileserver\backups and the following components will be restored in sequence using their respective backups: the ArcGIS Data Store, all federated servers and the hosting server, and the portal. Ensure that all components have at least read access to the path specified by the SHARED_LOCATION property. The portal content will be restored from the content in the contentbackups container in the entbackups storage account.

    SHARED_LOCATION = \\\\fileserver\\backups
    AZURE_BLOB_ACCOUNT_NAME = entbackups