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Deployment for Roadway Reporter

This ArcGIS 10.7 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

Supported browsers and devices

Roadway Reporter for Esri Roads and Highways is supported on the following browsers and devices:

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Internet Explorer 9+
  • Safari


The Find My Location button will only work when accessing Roadway Reporter through HTTPS.


  • A Portal for ArcGIS on-site deployment or an ArcGIS Online for organizations account to support storage of user-created Roadway Report configurations.
  • A Windows-based ArcGIS Server deployment of Esri Roads and Highways for Server.
  • A web server, such as Internet Information Server (IIS), to deploy the Roadway Reporter web app.

Deploying Roadway Reporter

To deploy Roadway Reporter and a supporting dataset, follow the steps below:

  1. Install Roads and Highways for Server and Roadway Reporter.

    Roadway Reporter requires an additional license. Use the Software Authorization Wizard to provide the authorization key after installing Roads and Highways for Server and Roadway Reporter.

  2. Create a map document (.mxd) in ArcMap with the routes, internal event layers, intersections (for road log report only) and external event layers (for road log report only) using Esri Roads and Highways for Desktop.

    A typical map document for Roadway Reporter contains networks, event layers, and intersection layers. Optionally, you can add polygon layers such as administrative boundaries that can be used to select the routes for which the report will be generated.

  3. Publish the Generate Report geoprocessing service to your instance of ArcGIS Server.
  4. Publish the map document with ArcGIS Server and enable the Roads and Highways for Server linear referencing capability.
  5. Make sure IIS is enabled. Also make sure all the .NET/ASP.NET features are enabled. This can be done with the Windows Server Manager console.

    The following example of the Windows dialog box and features may look different based on your operating system. The highlighted features are required to be enabled on your machine.

    Windows features

  6. Using Windows Explorer, browse to and copy the contents of <Installation location>\LocationReferencing\Server<Server Version>\Web\RoadsandHighways\RoadwayReporter into the web folder of the web server.

    For example, in IIS, the web folder may be located at C:\inetpub\wwwroot\RoadwayReporter.


    The actual location of the IIS wwwroot directory could differ on your server machine. Use the IIS Management Console to get the location of the IIS wwwroot directory.

  7. Author a web map that includes the map service created in the previous step and the appropriate basemaps.
  8. Open the configuration (config.json) file in the RoadwayReporter web folder and modify it to use the web map and geoprocessing services created from previous steps.
  9. Configure the Portal for ArcGIS or ArcGIS for Organization accounts to save report configurations.

You can enable security for Roadway Reporter to secure the map services being used in the Roadway Reporter web app.

Learn more about configuring security for Roadway Reporter

Learn more about configuring Portal for ArcGIS for Roadway Reporter.