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Searching for services in Manager

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If your site contains many services, you can search for services in ArcGIS Server Manager instead of paging through the gallery list of services. This allows you to quickly view and access services by typing in the service name, service type, status of the service, enabled capabilities, or keywords that are part of the services' tags, summary, or description.

How to search

To search for services, do the following:

  1. Log in to Manager with an account that has publisher or administrator access to the server. If you need help with this step, see Logging in to Manager.
  2. Click Services > Manage Services.

In the Manage Services module, a search field is displayed next to the Add Folder Add Folder button. To perform a search, enter text in the field. The search will execute automatically; there is no need for you to press the Enter key. In addition to text characters, the use of the wildcard (*) character is supported when searching for the name of a service.

A search will only be performed on the folder that is currently selected in the Manage Services module. To search a different folder, select the desired folder in the list and enter a query in the search field.

Configuring search

By default, search queries are limited to the service name. If you want to search based on additional service properties, such as tags and capabilities, you can enable them by following the instructions in Editing service gallery settings in Manager. The available service properties are name, type, status, summary, tags, description, and capabilities.

Limitations of search

  • Search is only available to users with publisher and administrator access to the server.
  • Uppercase letters are ignored.
  • Exact keywords must be used when searching for the status, tags, description, summary, and capabilities of a service. For example, if the tag redlands is defined for a map service, the search keyword used can be redlands, lands, or redl in order to obtain a result. However, the keyword res will not return a result.
  • Boolean operators such as AND, OR, NOT, and (,) are not supported.
  • Combining keywords from different search properties is not supported. For example, a result will be returned when you perform a search based exclusively on the service name (SampleWorldCities). Conversely, performing a search using the service name and the service type (SampleWorldCities map) will not return a result.
  • If you perform a search in Manager and then open Manager in a new tab or browser window, the previous search result is not preserved in the new tab or window.