Available with 3D Analyst license.
Analyze and repair for globe rendering performance
The Service Editor allows you to analyze your globe document to identify potential performance issues and possible authoring errors that need to be addressed before you can create a successful globe service. It can be thought of as a quality assurance check before serving your globe out to the public.
Reporting messages about your document
When you click Analyze on the Service Editor, a report appears in the Prepare window at the bottom of your ArcGlobe interface. There are three categories of messages which you can encounter:
Type | Description |
Error | These are issues that must be fixed before you can publish your globe document as a service. |
Warning | These are issues in which drawing performance or drawing appearance may be affected. You have the option to address or ignore a warning. If you choose to ignore a warning, you can mark it as an exception by right-clicking the warning and selecting Mark As Exception. |
Message | These informative messages point out differences between the way your globe service displays and what you see in ArcGlobe. You have the option to address or ignore a message. If you choose to ignore a message, you can mark it as an exception by right-clicking the message and selecting Mark As Exception. |
How to use the report
Message types indicate the degree of severity that may impact whether or not you can successfully publish your globe document as a service. As you can see from the table above, error messages require you to repair the issue before continuing. You can right-click each message to get a quick suggestion on how you can address the specific issue. This also gives you access to a help topic with more information, such as additional repair options. If there are multiple solutions, the item in bold provides the default approach to address the issue.
If you have a complex document with many layers, it may take a significant amount of time to address all of the issues presented in the Prepare window. Ensure you have allocated time appropriately for your globe analysis.
How to analyze a globe document
To analyze and repair your globe for increased performance on the web, follow these steps.
- On the Service Editor, click Analyze
- In the Prepare window, assess the results of the analysis.
- Right-click each message in the Prepare window to get a quick item list on how you can address that specific issue. Such as:
- See a solution that suggests how to fix the issue.
- Access the help topic for more information about that issue.
- Ignore the issue and mark it as an exception so it will not appear again.
- Repair Errors
. This may include having to remove layers from the globe document.
- Optionally, address Warnings
and Messages
- Reanalyze the globe to ensure all errors have been corrected. This refreshes the results in the Prepare window.
- Once you've fixed the errors, and optionally any warnings and messages, in your globe document, click Publish
- To give yourself more viewing area when configuring your globe service, click the Collapse
button at the top of the Service Editor.
- If you immediately click Publish and bypass clicking Analyze, the analyzers will run automatically to scan your document for issues.