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Geoprocessing service log codes

This ArcGIS 10.5 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

This topic lists codes for log messages that you'll see when working with geoprocessing services. Each list of codes is followed by the text you see from the log. While a lot of texts are self-explanatory, some are added with a description to provide further information and guidance for troubleshooting.

Code NumberTextDescription


Geoprocessing service is successfully initialized.


Geoprocessing service initialization failed.


Job catalog initialization succeeded.


Service failed to start. Please make sure <path to arcgis server directories>\arcgisjobs directory is accessible.


Geoprocessing service instance is successfully constructed.


Geoprocessing service instance construction failed.

You will also see text showing error or warning codes and messages about the tool and parameters.


Job <job id> is successfully submitted.


Job <job id> cannot be submitted.


Error executing tool.

You will also see text showing error or warning codes and messages about the usage of the tool.


Error during start of the configuration: Unable to add hidden configuration of type <Server>.


Error during start of the configuration: Unable to stop hidden configuration of type <Server>.


Error during start of the configuration: Unable to stop hidden configuration of type <Server>.


Error during start of the configuration: Unable to delete hidden configuration of type <Server>.


Property JobsDirectory not found.


Geoprocessing service is not supported with the current license.

Make sure you have an ArcGIS Server Standard or ArcGIS Server Advanced license.


Server's property Output Directory has not been defined.


Create directory failed: <directory>.


Copy from <local jobs directory> to <shared jobs directory> failed.


Execute job <job id> message type <type> message size <size>.

Message type can be BINARY, SOAP, or REST. Size is in bytes for BINARY and string length for SOAP and REST. This code also informs you about the elapsed time to execute a tool.

To see the elapsed time, turn on the Time Elapsed column in Manager by selecting Logs > View Logs > Columns.


Load job <job id> message type <type> message size <size>.

Message type can be BINARY, SOAP, or REST. Size is in bytes for BINARY and string length for SOAP and REST. This code also informs you the elapsed time to load execute request.

To see the elapsed time, turn on the Time Elapsed column in Manager by selecting Logs > View Logs > Columns.


Save job <job id> message type <type> message size <size>.

Message type can be BINARY, SOAP, or REST. Size is in bytes for BINARY and string length for SOAP and REST. This code also informs you the elapsed time to save the execute result.

To see the elapsed time, turn on the Time Elapsed column in Manager by selecting Logs > View Logs > Columns.


Debug messages.


Server output directory <output directory> does not exist.

The ArcGIS Server output directory you specified does not exist. You may encounter this message after updating the location of your server directories. You can alleviate this issue by respecifying the output directory location in the service's properties.


Cannot create output folder <output folder>.


Server Jobs directory < directory> does not exist.

The ArcGIS Server jobs directory you specified does not exist. You may encounter this message after updating the location of your server directories. You can alleviate this issue by respecifying the output directory location in the service's properties.


Cannot rename jobs folder <jobs folder>.


Open geoprocessing result failed <path of result file>.


Invalid layer <layer name>.


Create result map service failed.