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10032: Layer's data source consists of nested joins

This ArcGIS 10.5 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

Your layer has more than one join table defined, which can impact drawing performance.


Check the drawing performance for your layer or basemap layer in ArcMap. If you are publishing, check the drawing performance for your service in the Preview window.

Learn more about working with basemap layers or previewing your service

  • If you want to improve performance, you could merge attribute columns into your feature class table. For more information, see About joining and relating tables.
  • Alternatively, you can drop the joins from your layer. Open the Layer Properties dialog box and click the Joins & Relates tab. You can remove joins in this panel.

More information

You are joining your feature layer with more than one joined table, which may potentially result in poor drawing and query performance. You can test your map to see if display performance will be acceptable.

If your application warrants the use of multiple joins, you can choose to mark this warning as an exception to avoid receiving the warning next time you analyze the document. Beware that the resulting map may draw more slowly.