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What's new for ArcGIS for Maritime: Server

This ArcGIS 10.5 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

The 10.5.1 release of ArcGIS for Maritime: Server contains several enhancements to the Maritime Chart Service.

Enhancements at 10.5.1 patches

The latest patches of the 10.5.1 release of ArcGIS for Maritime: Server include minor enhancements to the software and the documentation. No major new functionality is included.

For a complete list of enhancements and issues addressed, see the product download page.

Maritime Chart Service

  • Additional Compass Rose display parameter.
  • When no data is returned by the service, for example you turn off all of your display categories, then a blank transparent image will now be part of the response.

Additional REST parameters have been implemented in the following supported operations:




PDF is supported and required by Product on Demand. This is a GeoPDF and the MCS data is now vectorized, which can be opened and edited in Adobe.


Now supports any spatial reference in the crs.xml file located in the controlfile folder of your service.

Product on Demand (PoD)

The Maritime Chart Service PoD functionality now also:

  • Supports the export of a vector PDF, which is a fully vectorized GeoPDF.

    This will change if you include raster service, such as a basemap.

  • Allows you to modify all supported display properties and have those changes be honored on the output vector GeoPDF. The Maritime Chart Service display properties have been added to the web application.
  • Applies common chart notes contained in A0 and ANSI E templates to other templates as well as updates to reflect localized notes.
  • Uses new Compass Rose display parameter to include MAGVAR point features as compass roses if your S-57 ENC datasets contain those features.

Deprecated at 10.5.1 patches

Product on Demand (PoD)—There is no support for TIFF, JPEG and Layout TIFF export formats.


The newly supported GeoPDF can be saved as TIFF or JPEG using supported Adobe products and other third party software packages.

Enhancements at 10.5.1

Maritime Chart Service

Additional REST parameters have been implemented in the following supported operations:




This represents the number of degrees by which the data frame will be rotated, measured counterclockwise from the north. To rotate clockwise, use a negative value.


Use this parameter to export a map image at a specific scale, with the map centered around the center of the specified bounding box (bbox).


If the dpi is not specified, an image with a default DPI of 96 will be exported. A DPI of 300 is used for Products on Demand (PoD).




If true, the feature set includes the geometry associated with each feature. For S-63 datasets, this value will be set to false so no geometry is returned.


The distance in screen pixels from the specified geometry within which the identification should be performed. The value for the tolerance is an integer, with a default value of 10.




If true, the feature set includes the geometry associated with each feature. For S-63 datasets, this value will be set to false so no geometry is returned.

Additional parameters have been implemented in OGC WMS GetMap:




This represents the number of degrees by which the data frame will be rotated, measured counterclockwise from the north. To rotate clockwise, use a negative value.


Use this parameter to export a map image at a specific scale, with the map centered around the center of the specified bounding box (bbox).


If the dpi is not specified, an image with a default DPI of 96 will be exported. A DPI of 300 is used for Products on Demand (PoD).

Additional parameters have been implemented in OGC WMS GetFeatureInfo:




The distance in screen pixels from the specified geometry within which the identification should be performed. The value for the tolerance is an integer, with a default value of 10.

  • Projection on the fly is now supported with over 5000 EPSG codes including Orthographic.
  • The following Display Parameters have been added:
    • Turn datasets on and off based on S-57 INTU (Intended Usage) value
    • Show contour labels
    • Show safety contour labels
    • Option to display S-57 attribute acronym or description value
  • Nature of surface (NATSUR) values are now displayed using S-52 recommended abbreviations.
  • Updated Web AppBuilder widgets.
  • Features displaying their orientation as text, now displays that text horizontally.
  • S-58 Edition 6.0.0 critical errors identified during data loading have been incorporated.

Product on Demand (PoD)

Products on Demand is new functionality that allows you to deploy a web based application to generate information map products on-the-fly and create any product at any scale. Products on Demand leverages Maritime Chart Service’s data to generate outputs (PDF, TIFF, JPEG), with standardized layouts using INT2 grids.

Enhancements at 10.5

Maritime Chart Service

  • The Maritime Chart Service SOE has now been renamed without spaces to support WMS.
    • All existing URLs for both REST and WMS will be impacted by this change.
    • Before 10.5.1 the URL was rest/services/SampleWorldCities/MapServer/exts/Maritime%20Chart%20Service/MapServer. Post 10.5.1 it will be

  • You can now create and update map tile packages .tpk that can be used offline in runtime or published via a cached map service which supports OGC WMTS.
  • The following new Display Parameters have been added:
    • Show data quality (M_QUAL)
    • Show isolated dangers in shallow water
    • Do not show safe water soundings in conflict with other features
    • Ability to turn on and off text groups
  • The following two new text groups were added:
    • Text group 28: Height of Islet Or Lad Feature
    • Text group 30: Current velocity
  • The following new options were added to Display Data Frames:
    • ON: Turns on all data frames as with previous versions
    • OFF: Turns off all data frames
    • Automatic: This was previously the OFF option
  • Previously hardcoded to S57 you can now customize your WMS service layer name.
  • NOBJNM has now been added to the search capabilities.
  • Updated EPSG code 25382 to match the epsg-registry values.
  • The S-52 ENC .dic files have been updated to include the S-52 Presentation Library 4.0.1.

    Changes to the SOE name and display dataframe parameter will cause compatibility issues with previous versions of Maritime Chart Service. With the SOE name change your existing URLs for REST and WMS are no longer compatible due to the removal of spaces in the name. The display dataframe parameter used to be Boolean but is now an enumerated list of three values.