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Add an ArcGIS Server machine to a site in Manager

This ArcGIS 10.6 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

If you've installed ArcGIS Server on one or multiple machines, you can add them to your site using ArcGIS Server Manager.

To add an ArcGIS Server machine to your site, follow these steps:

  1. Open Manager and log in. If you need help with this step, see the topic Log in to Manager.
  2. Click Site > GIS Server > Machines.
  3. In the Machines module, click Add Machine.
  4. In the Add Machine window, enter the name of the ArcGIS Server machine you want to add to the site, for example,

    You must type the exact name of the machine. Do not type localhost.

  5. The URL of the ArcGIS Server machine you want to add to the site is entered automatically in the format If the site uses HTTP only for its communication, change the URL to the format
  6. Optionally, add the machine to a cluster by selecting a cluster from the Cluster Name drop-down list.

    Sites with multiple clusters have been deprecated. The use of multi-cluster sites for new deployments is strongly discouraged and existing deployments are advised to migrate away from use of multi-cluster sites as part of ongoing maintenance and upgrades.

  7. Click Add. Your machine is added to the site and appears in the Machines module.

    You can repeat these steps as necessary to add ArcGIS Server machines to your site.

  8. If your site has registered Relational Data Store Types, you must restart ArcGIS Server on each newly added machine by running the stopserver/startserver scripts as the owner of ArcGIS Server. These scripts are located at the $AGSHOME directory.