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ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS

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An ArcGIS Enterprise deployment optimized for your needs requires several ArcGIS Server and ArcGIS Data Store machines. Using a cloud deployment through Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides flexibility and scalability. The ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder Command Line Interface for Amazon Web Services is an intuitive tool for automating cloud deployments of ArcGIS Enterprise.

To complete a multiple-machine deployment of ArcGIS Enterprise on AWS using ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS, you'll use two JSON files, your Windows computer's command prompt, and the AWS Management Console in your browser. The two JSON files—one to prepare for installation and another to deploy—can be modified from the sample files provided as part of your download from My Esri.

Use an application such as Notepad ++ to edit the JSON files. In your Command Prompt console, use the files and the ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS to prepare (PREP), CREATE, or DELETE a deployment:

  • cloudbuilder.exe PREP -j <prepfilename.json>
  • cloudbuilder.exe CREATE -j <createfilename.json>
  • cloudbuilder.exe DELETE -j <createfilename.json>


Before you run the commands for the utility, you need the following items. Ask your IT administrator if you are unsure how to obtain them.

  • An AWS account
  • An AWS access key and corresponding secret key, or an AWSProfileName value
  • License files for Portal for ArcGIS, ArcGIS GIS Server, and any server licensing roles you have in addition to the base deployment. All must be for the same version of ArcGIS Enterprise.
  • A wild card SSL certificate file (.pfx) and corresponding password
  • .NET Framework 4 or higher installed on the machine where you'll run the utility


When working in AWS, be sure your browser is always set to the correct AWS region (such as us-west-1 or eu-east-2), and that your JSON files refer to the same region.

Accept AWS terms and choose a template

Before you use an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) for the first time, you must read and accept the AWS Marketplace terms.

Download the utility

You can obtain the ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS utility from My Esri. Download the file and extract it to your local drive. The default location is C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\CloudBuilder\AWS\CLI, but you can specify a different location for the extracted files if you are a Windows administrator.


After extracting cloudbuilder.exe inside any folder on local disk, make sure the user running the ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS utility has recursive write access to the Logs and Output folders.

Commands available in the utility

  1. The PREP command automates several tasks needed before creating a deployment. It creates a network stack and Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) bucket for your deployment, uploads all necessary authorization files and the SSL certificate to the bucket, and imports your SSL certificate to AWS Certificate Manager. The PREP command is only necessary the first time you create a specific ArcGIS Enterprise deployment, if you have not already done these steps manually.
  2. The CREATE command creates a base ArcGIS Enterprise deployment, and can create and federate one additional machine for each ArcGIS Server licensing role you specify. Once you have run the command to create your initial deployment, you can run it later with an updated file to add more sites to the deployment. See Base ArcGIS Enterprise deployment to learn more about its architecture and capabilities.
  3. The DELETE command deletes your deployment and associated AWS resources. It can only delete a deployment created using the ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS.