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Log in to Manager

This ArcGIS 10.6 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

The URL for Manager is Alternatively, you can open Manager from the operating system shortcut that is installed with ArcGIS Server.

Opening Manager the first time

When you open Manager the first time, you'll be asked whether you want to create a new site or join an existing site. Creating a new site means you are just getting started and you want to add this machine as the first GIS server in your configuration. Joining an existing site means that you want to add this machine as a GIS server in an existing configuration. See the help topics below to learn what you'll need to do for the option you choose:

Logging in to Manager

After you've created the site, you must log in to Manager using your primary site administrator name and password that you provided during the site creation process. The first time you log in, the Username box displays the primary site administrator name to remind you of this.

Subsequent attempts to log in to Manager require either the primary site administrator name and password, or the name and password of a user to whom you have granted administrator or publisher privileges using the ArcGIS Server security mechanisms. If you provide a user with publisher privileges, some actions in Manager are restricted as described in Publisher role support in Manager.


User names and passwords are case sensitive. You must provide the proper case in order to log in to Manager.

Securing your login credentials

When you log in to Manager, your credentials are encrypted before being sent to the server. ArcGIS Server communicates with both HTTP and HTTPS by default. See Configuring HTTPS on ArcGIS Server for details.

If you attempt to access Manager using HTTP, you will be redirected to use HTTPS unless your site is set to use HTTP Only for its communication.