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24027: Data frame uses a custom coordinate system

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Your map uses a custom coordinate system, and you are attempting to publish a map service with an OGC (WMS, WFS, or WCS) capability.


  • Change the coordinate system of the data frame so that it uses one of the predefined geographic or projected systems. See specifying a coordinate system for more information.

More information

OGC (WMS, WFS, or WCS) capable map services rely on common EPSG codes to define supported coordinate systems for the service. In cases where you customize the coordinate system for a data frame, for example, you adjust a meridian for a projected coordinate system; there will be no corresponding EPSG code. In these cases, ArcGIS writes EPSG:0 or SRS:0 into the OGC (WMS, WFS, or WCS) service’s capabilities file. You can still publish the service, since the service will default to SRS:84 (WGS 1984). However, the custom coordinate system specified in the map will be unavailable to users of the service since no common EPSG code exists for it.

Each data frame in ArcMap has a coordinate system used for its output map display. This can be any coordinate system that is supported by ArcGIS. It is typically based on the map layers in the data frame because, by default, the data frame's map projection is initialized to the map projection of the first map layer that you add in ArcMap.

How to determine the coordinate system for your data frame. Right-click the data frame for which you want to determine the coordinate system, and click Properties to open the Data Frame Properties dialog box. Then, click the Coordinate System tab. The details of the current data frame coordinate system are shown on the dialog box.

See WMS services, WFS services, and WCS services for more information.