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Example: Apply permissions to a service

This ArcGIS 10.7 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

This example demonstrates how you can apply permissions to a service programmatically. Permissions are a set of rules about which roles can or cannot access a service.

In this example, the service is first made private by denying access to the esriEveryone role, a fictitious role for the purpose of this example that includes all users of the site. Then a second rule is added to grant a user-supplied role permissions to access the geometry service. An extra function is included in the code to show how you could make the service public by granting access to the esriEveryone role again.

The script attempts to log in and acquire the token securely through HTTPS (encrypted connection). If HTTPS has not been configured on your ArcGIS Server, the default behavior is for the script to attempt an insecure login (no encryption). If you wish to require a secure login, then use the --secure option with the script.

The script is written in Python but does not require any Esri software to be installed. To run the script, do the following:

On Windows:

  1. Save the content to a file called
  2. Open a command prompt window using the Run as administrator option.
  3. Run, for example: --user admin --password secret --role "GIS Department"

On Linux:

  1. Save the content to a file called
  2. Make the file executable (chmod u+x).
  3. If Python does not exist in /usr/bin, edit the first line to point to your installation of Python (this step is usually not needed).
  4. Run, for example: ./ --user admin --password secret --role "GIS Department"

# Demonstrates how to set permissions on the geometry service.

import httplib, urllib  # used for connecting to ArcGIS Server
import re               # used for parsing responses
import sys

def main(argv=None):

    (user,password, serverName, serverPort, role, secure) = getInputParameters()
    token = getToken(user, password, serverName, serverPort, secure)
    makeServicePrivate(serverName, serverPort, token, "Geometry", "GeometryServer")
    setServicePermission(serverName, serverPort, token, "Geometry", "GeometryServer", role)

def makeServicePublic(serverName, serverPort, token, service, serviceType):
    url = "/arcgis/admin/services/" + service + "." + serviceType + "/permissions/add"
    params = urllib.urlencode({'principal' : 'esriEveryone', 'isAllowed':'true', 'f' : 'json', 'token' : token})
    response = makeHttpPost(serverName, serverPort, url, params)
    if (operationSuccessful(response)) :
        print "Successfully made " + service + "." + serviceType + " public."
        print "Unable to make " + service + "." + serviceType + " public."

def makeServicePrivate(serverName, serverPort, token, service, serviceType):
    url = "/arcgis/admin/services/" + service + "." + serviceType + "/permissions/add"
    params = urllib.urlencode({'principal' : 'esriEveryone', 'isAllowed':'false', 'f' : 'json', 'token' : token})
    response = makeHttpPost(serverName, serverPort, url, params)   
    if (operationSuccessful(response)) :
        print "Successfully made " + service + "." + serviceType + " private."
        print "Unable to make " + service + "." + serviceType + " private."

def setServicePermission(serverName, serverPort, token, service, serviceType, role):
    url = "/arcgis/admin/services/" + service + "." + serviceType + "/permissions/add"
    params = urllib.urlencode({'principal' : role, 'isAllowed':'true', 'f' : 'json', 'token' : token})
    response = makeHttpPost(serverName, serverPort, url, params)
    if (operationSuccessful(response)) :
        print "Successfully granted " + role + " permission to " + service + "." + serviceType
        print "Unable to grant " + role + " permission to " + service + "." + serviceType

def operationSuccessful(response):
    statusPattern = re.compile('[\w]+')
    statusValue = statusPattern.findall(response)[1] 
    if (statusValue == "success"):
        return 1
        return 0

def getToken(username, password, serverName, serverPort, secure):
    tokenURL = "/arcgis/admin/generateToken"
    params = urllib.urlencode({'username': username, 'password': password, 'client': 'requestip', 'f': 'json'})
    response = makeHttpPost(serverName, serverPort, tokenURL, params, secure)
    if (response == None):
        print "ERROR: Unable to login.  The following may have caused this:"
        print "    1) Incorrect username or password."
        print "    2) Incorrect server name or port."
        if (secure):
            print "    3) The server may not have https enabled."
    tokenPattern = re.compile('[\w-]+')
    tokenMatch = tokenPattern.findall(response)[1]
    return tokenMatch

def makeHttpPost(serverName, serverPort, url, params, secure=0):  
    headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/plain"}
    if (serverPort == 80) :
        securePort = 443
        securePort = 6443
        httpsFailed = 0
        httpsConn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(serverName, securePort)
        httpsConn.request("POST", url, params, headers)       
        response = httpsConn.getresponse()
        if (response.status == 200):
            data =
            return data
            httpsFailed = 1
        httpsFailed = 1

    if (httpsFailed and secure):
        httpConn = httplib.HTTPConnection(serverName, serverPort)
        httpConn.request("POST", url, params, headers)   
        response = httpConn.getresponse()
        if (response.status == 200):
            data =
            return data            
def getInputParameters() :
    if (len(sys.argv)  == 1):
           print "Sets a role's permission for ArcGIS Server geometry service."
           print "     --user       Publisher/administrator user to log into ArcGIS Server with."
           print "     --password   Password for publisher/administrator login"
           print "     --server     Server machine.  Optional, default is localhost."
           print "     --port       Port to use when connecting.  Option, default 6080."
           print "     --role       ArcGIS Server role being affected."
           print "     --secure     Requires a secure login."
    user = None
    password = None
    role = None
    serverName = "localhost"
    serverPort = 6080     
    secure = 0
    for i in range(1, len(sys.argv)) :
        if (sys.argv[i] == "--user" and i < len(sys.argv)-1):
            user = sys.argv[i+1]            
        elif (sys.argv[i] == "--password" and i < len(sys.argv)-1) :
            password = sys.argv[i+1]
        elif (sys.argv[i] == "--server" and i < len(sys.argv)-1) :
            serverName = sys.argv[i+1]
        elif (sys.argv[i] == "--port" and i < len(sys.argv)-1) :
            port = sys.argv[i+1]
        elif (sys.argv[i] == "--role" and i < len(sys.argv)-1):
            role = sys.argv[i+1]
        elif (sys.argv[i] == "--secure"):
            secure = 1
    if (user == None or password == None or role == None) :
        if (user == None):
            print "The --user parameter was not provided."
        elif (password == None):
            print "The --password parameter was not provided."
        elif (role == None):
            print "The --role parameter was not provided."
        return (user,password, serverName, serverPort, role, secure)
# Script start
if __name__ == "__main__":

In this topic
  1. On Windows:
  2. On Linux: