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What is a map service?

This ArcGIS 10.7 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

The map service is the way that you make maps available to the web using ArcGIS. You'll make the map in ArcMap, then publish the map as a service to your ArcGIS Server site. Internet or intranet users can then use the map service in web applications, ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Online, and other client applications.

What can a map service do?

A map service makes maps, features, and attribute data available inside many types of client applications. One common use of a map service is to show business data on top of basemap tiles from ArcGIS Online, Bing Maps, or Google Maps. Many other ways to use a map service are described in Common reasons for using map services.

How do I start creating a map service?

All map services begin inside ArcMap, where you create your map. When you've finished the map and are ready to share it with others, choose File > Share As > Service > Publish Service from the main menu. The items on the Share as Service dialog box can help you get started sharing your map as a service. See Publish a map service from ArcMap for full instructions.